Hi Grant,
-Everything that works on the RPI4 is also working on the Zero
-Never tried Arch with the ULTRA++
but the source you are mentionning is saying it recently supported:
robertfoster commented on 2021-01-22 23:38
seeed-voicecard with 2mic (based on WM8960 sound codec) is now officially supported upstream with this commit
overlays: add wm8960-soundcard overlay · raspberrypi/linux@1f085de · GitHub.
On Arch Linux ARM is officially supported since this commit
core/linux-raspberrypi4 to 5.4.83-7 · archlinuxarm/PKGBUILDs@585dc76 · GitHub
You have to insert this entry in /boot/config.txt:
will be loaded by udevYou will find other info in
A workaround is to do not install the drivers of the WM8960 and just send the I2C initilization commands when you boot the system, this is what we are doing for Volumio, this will also be applicable to Arch: