No audio on Muse Lux in Home Assistant

Thanks. Adding some info from Validate in ESP Home if that can help you debug. xxx:ed my wifi credentials:

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570.yaml…
INFO Updating
WARNING GPIO12 is a Strapping PIN and should be avoided.
Attaching external pullup/down resistors to strapping pins can cause unexpected failures.
INFO Configuration is valid!
name: raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570
friendly_name: RaspiAudio Muse Luxe
wifi_ap_password: ‘’
name: raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570
name_add_mac_suffix: false
name: raspiaudio.muse-luxe
version: ‘1.0’
build_path: .esphome/build/raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570
platformio_options: {}
includes: []
libraries: []
board: esp-wrover-kit
version: 1.0.6
source: ~3.10006.0
platform_version: platformio/espressif32 @ 3.5.0
type: arduino
variant: ESP32
baud_rate: 115200
tx_buffer_size: 512
deassert_rts_dtr: false
hardware_uart: UART0
level: DEBUG
logs: {}
port: 6053
password: ‘’
reboot_timeout: 15min
safe_mode: true
port: 3232
reboot_timeout: 5min
num_attempts: 10

  • sda: 18
    scl: 23
    frequency: 50000.0
    scan: true
    package_import_url: github://esphome/media-players/raspiaudio-muse-luxe.yaml@main
    password: ‘’
    ap_timeout: 1min
    domain: .local
    reboot_timeout: 15min
    power_save_mode: LIGHT
    fast_connect: false
    • ssid: xxxxxx
      password: xxxxxx
      priority: 0.0
      use_address: raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570.local
      captive_portal: {}
      improv_serial: {}
  • source:
    ref: pull/3552/head
    type: git
    • es8388
      refresh: 0s
  • platform: i2s_audio
    name: RaspiAudio Muse Luxe
    i2s_lrclk_pin: 25
    i2s_dout_pin: 26
    i2s_bclk_pin: 5
    mode: stereo
    number: 21
    inverted: true
    output: true
    input: false
    open_drain: false
    pullup: false
    pulldown: false
    disabled_by_default: false
    dac_type: external
    address: 0x10
  • platform: gpio
    number: 19
    inverted: true
    input: true
    pullup: true
    output: false
    open_drain: false
    pulldown: false
    name: RaspiAudio Muse Luxe Volume Up
    • then:
      • media_player.volume_up: {}
        min_length: 50ms
        max_length: 350ms
        disabled_by_default: false
  • platform: gpio
    number: 32
    inverted: true
    input: true
    pullup: true
    output: false
    open_drain: false
    pulldown: false
    name: RaspiAudio Muse Luxe Volume Down
    • then:
      • media_player.volume_down: {}
        min_length: 50ms
        max_length: 350ms
        disabled_by_default: false
  • platform: gpio
    number: 12
    inverted: true
    input: true
    pullup: true
    output: false
    open_drain: false
    pulldown: false
    name: RaspiAudio Muse Luxe Play Button
    • then:
      • media_player.toggle: {}
        min_length: 50ms
        max_length: 350ms
        disabled_by_default: false
  • platform: fastled_clockless
    name: RaspiAudio Muse Luxe
    pin: 22
    chipset: SK6812
    num_leds: 1
    rgb_order: GRB
    disabled_by_default: false
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
    gamma_correct: 2.8
    default_transition_length: 1s
    flash_transition_length: 0s

And logs from ESP Home. Wifi credentials xxxx:ed again.

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570.yaml…
INFO Updating
WARNING GPIO12 is a Strapping PIN and should be avoided.
Attaching external pullup/down resistors to strapping pins can cause unexpected failures.
INFO Starting log output from raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570.local using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570.local
[20:43:18][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2022.9.4 compiled on Oct 8 2022, 21:38:37
[20:43:18][I][app:104]: Project raspiaudio.muse-luxe version 1.0
[20:43:18][C][wifi:502]: WiFi:
[20:43:18][C][wifi:360]: Local MAC: 94:B5:55:39:25:70
[20:43:18][C][wifi:361]: SSID: ‘xxxx’[redacted]
[20:43:18][C][wifi:362]: IP Address:
[20:43:18][C][wifi:364]: BSSID: FC:EC:DA:3B:BE:05[redacted]
[20:43:18][C][wifi:365]: Hostname: ‘raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570’
[20:43:18][C][wifi:367]: Signal strength: -51 dB ▂▄▆█
[20:43:18][C][wifi:371]: Channel: 11
[20:43:18][C][wifi:372]: Subnet:
[20:43:18][C][wifi:373]: Gateway:
[20:43:18][C][wifi:374]: DNS1:
[20:43:18][C][wifi:375]: DNS2:
[20:43:18][C][logger:275]: Logger:
[20:43:18][C][logger:276]: Level: DEBUG
[20:43:18][C][logger:277]: Log Baud Rate: 115200
[20:43:18][C][logger:278]: Hardware UART: UART0
[20:43:18][C][i2c.arduino:038]: I2C Bus:
[20:43:18][C][i2c.arduino:039]: SDA Pin: GPIO18
[20:43:18][C][i2c.arduino:040]: SCL Pin: GPIO23
[20:43:18][C][i2c.arduino:041]: Frequency: 50000 Hz
[20:43:18][C][i2c.arduino:044]: Recovery: bus successfully recovered
[20:43:18][I][i2c.arduino:054]: Results from i2c bus scan:
[20:43:18][I][i2c.arduino:060]: Found i2c device at address 0x10
[20:43:18][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor ‘RaspiAudio Muse Luxe Volume Up’
[20:43:18][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO19
[20:43:18][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor ‘RaspiAudio Muse Luxe Volume Down’
[20:43:18][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO32
[20:43:18][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor ‘RaspiAudio Muse Luxe Play Button’
[20:43:18][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO12
[20:43:18][C][fastled:021]: FastLED light:
[20:43:18][C][fastled:022]: Num LEDs: 1
[20:43:18][C][fastled:023]: Max refresh rate: 400
[20:43:18][C][light:104]: Light ‘RaspiAudio Muse Luxe’
[20:43:18][C][light:106]: Default Transition Length: 1.0s
[20:43:18][C][light:107]: Gamma Correct: 2.80
[20:43:18][C][captive_portal:088]: Captive Portal:
[20:43:18][C][mdns:100]: mDNS:
[20:43:18][C][mdns:101]: Hostname: raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570
[20:43:18][C][ota:089]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[20:43:18][C][ota:090]: Address: raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570.local:3232
[20:43:18][C][api:138]: API Server:
[20:43:18][C][api:139]: Address: raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570.local:6053
[20:43:18][C][api:143]: Using noise encryption: NO
[20:43:18][C][improv_serial:032]: Improv Serial:
[20:43:18][C][audio:135]: Audio:

Here what I do :

I hear this sentence full of truth :wink:

then I look in the log :

and I notice with the time stamps that the stream took 2 seconds to play

Do you have the same? because looking at your logs it seems that it start and stop immediately just like if the stream was empty or not received.

I do the same, and I have no sound coming from the Muse, and it goes to idle at the very same time as it goes to play, always the same second

Have you compared logs above, found any anomalies?

it looks like a network issue

Look at this post it looks like your issue :

Could you tell me again how do I get the same logs as you? :sweat_smile:

The first log requires that you have ESP Home Addon in Home Assistant. Then in ESP Home Addon the three dots -> Validate on your application.

The second one, select the three dots on your raspiaudio integration -> Download diagnostics.

I will check the linked thread

So, NielsNL68 is mentioning how his yaml file looks like in post Aug 25. My yaml file in ESP Home only contains this:

name: raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570
raspiaudio.muse-luxe: github://esphome/media-players/raspiaudio-muse-luxe.yaml@main
name: ${name}
name_add_mac_suffix: false

ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password

Maybe I should add something like this to mine?

board: esp-wrover-kit
type: arduino


  • platform: i2s_audio
    id: media_out
    name: ${name} player
    dac_type: external
    i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO25
    i2s_dout_pin: GPIO26
    i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO5
    mode: mono
    number: GPIO21
    inverted: true

Its the first time I fiddle with ESPHome

my humble thought is that you probably have nothing to change in the config, as we both have the exact same setup, this likely to be something else.

What you can try is what Niels describes in his table to check if you are in the same case, it seems to work with DLNA. So try to install a DLNA server on an android phone or compute, then install the DLNA service, and check if you can play this media source on the Luxe.

You could also try if you still have the issue on a different LAN.

So the yaml config is as it shall be?

name: raspiaudio-muse-luxe-392570
raspiaudio.muse-luxe: github://esphome/media-players/raspiaudio-muse-luxe.yaml@main
name: ${name}
name_add_mac_suffix: false

ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password

So here is my file :sweat_smile:

“home_assistant”: {
“installation_type”: “Home Assistant OS”,
“version”: “2022.10.3”,
“dev”: false,
“hassio”: true,
“virtualenv”: false,
“python_version”: “3.10.5”,
“docker”: true,
“arch”: “aarch64”,
“timezone”: “Europe/Paris”,
“os_name”: “Linux”,
“os_version”: “5.15.61-v8”,
“supervisor”: “2022.10.0”,
“host_os”: “Home Assistant OS 9.0”,
“docker_version”: “20.10.17”,
“chassis”: “embedded”,
“run_as_root”: true
“custom_components”: {},
“integration_manifest”: {
“domain”: “esphome”,
“name”: “ESPHome”,
“config_flow”: true,
“documentation”: “”,
“requirements”: [
“zeroconf”: [
“dhcp”: [
“registered_devices”: true
“codeowners”: [
“after_dependencies”: [
“iot_class”: “local_push”,
“loggers”: [
“is_built_in”: true
“data”: {
“config”: {
“entry_id”: “391a8c0a6595f4e4bfd970ddbf78dd40”,
“version”: 1,
“domain”: “esphome”,
“title”: “raspiaudio-muse-luxe-f2c2c8”,
“data”: {
“host”: “”,
“port”: 6053,
“password”: “”,
“noise_psk”: “”
“options”: {},
“pref_disable_new_entities”: false,
“pref_disable_polling”: false,
“source”: “zeroconf”,
“unique_id”: “raspiaudio-muse-luxe-f2c2c8”,
“disabled_by”: null
“storage_data”: {
“device_info”: {
“uses_password”: false,
“name”: “raspiaudio-muse-luxe-f2c2c8”,
“mac_address”: “REDACTED”,
“compilation_time”: “Sep 7 2022, 01:29:31”,
“model”: “esp-wrover-kit”,
“has_deep_sleep”: false,
“esphome_version”: “2022.8.3”,
“project_name”: “raspiaudio.muse-luxe”,
“project_version”: “1.0”,
“webserver_port”: 0,
“bluetooth_proxy_version”: 0
“services”: [],
“api_version”: {
“major”: 1,
“minor”: 6
“binary_sensor”: [
“object_id”: “raspiaudio_muse_luxe_volume_up”,
“key”: 3165250273,
“name”: “RaspiAudio Muse Luxe Volume Up”,
“unique_id”: “raspiaudio-muse-luxe-f2c2c8binary_sensorraspiaudio_muse_luxe_volume_up”,
“disabled_by_default”: false,
“icon”: “”,
“entity_category”: 0,
“device_class”: “”,
“is_status_binary_sensor”: false
“object_id”: “raspiaudio_muse_luxe_volume_down”,
“key”: 4118566082,
“name”: “RaspiAudio Muse Luxe Volume Down”,
“unique_id”: “raspiaudio-muse-luxe-f2c2c8binary_sensorraspiaudio_muse_luxe_volume_down”,
“disabled_by_default”: false,
“icon”: “”,
“entity_category”: 0,
“device_class”: “”,
“is_status_binary_sensor”: false
“object_id”: “raspiaudio_muse_luxe_play_button”,
“key”: 1343665654,
“name”: “RaspiAudio Muse Luxe Play Button”,
“unique_id”: “raspiaudio-muse-luxe-f2c2c8binary_sensorraspiaudio_muse_luxe_play_button”,
“disabled_by_default”: false,
“icon”: “”,
“entity_category”: 0,
“device_class”: “”,
“is_status_binary_sensor”: false
“media_player”: [
“object_id”: “raspiaudio_muse_luxe”,
“key”: 1434200530,
“name”: “RaspiAudio Muse Luxe”,
“unique_id”: “raspiaudio-muse-luxe-f2c2c8media_playerraspiaudio_muse_luxe”,
“disabled_by_default”: false,
“icon”: “”,
“entity_category”: 0,
“supports_pause”: true
“light”: [
“object_id”: “raspiaudio_muse_luxe”,
“key”: 1434200530,
“name”: “RaspiAudio Muse Luxe”,
“unique_id”: “raspiaudio-muse-luxe-f2c2c8lightraspiaudio_muse_luxe”,
“disabled_by_default”: false,
“icon”: “”,
“entity_category”: 0,
“supported_color_modes”: [
“min_mireds”: 0.0,
“max_mireds”: 0.0,
“effects”: [],
“legacy_supports_brightness”: true,
“legacy_supports_rgb”: true,
“legacy_supports_white_value”: false,
“legacy_supports_color_temperature”: false

That is hardly the yaml config

This is the link to the supposed yaml code on github media-players/raspiaudio-muse-luxe.yaml at main ¡ esphome/media-players (

Should I try that?

This is what I recommend you to try :

Thanks. I did read that thread and they came to no conclusion at all. My conclusion is that the ESPHome Media Player is pretty crappy, and looks like its not maintained.

I trided to install the Squeezelite-ESP32 firmware on the Muse yesterday but it refused and said I should hold the boot-button while trying to flash.

Any idea how I do that?

try this one

Thanks. I installed and configured. I still cant play local media or TTS from Home Assistant but now I’m listening to Spotify on the Muse, controlled from my phone.

I have installed the SlimProto Player and Home Assistant recognizes the Muse as a Media Player. If I shut it off and on from Home Assistant it starts sounding a very quiet white noice when on.

If i play a song from Spotify on my Muse from my phone the Home Assistant Media Player says Nothing Playing. But I can pause it. If I then push play again the Spotify song starts a few seconds and then gets replaced by a loud white noice. I think I have read about the same behavior elsewhere.

How do you play from your phone on the muse?

I can’t seem to get bluetooth working with squeezelite, as a matter of fact, I only get audio with the following option:

All other options give no audio, and none of the three show any bluetooth devices.

I could when using this Squeezelite-ESP32 Installer ( version. Now I cant anymore using this version ESPHome Media Players.

I bet the first had Airplay support or something. Everything is very erratic.

@stajo Yes, but how did you manage to play spotify using Squeezelite?