25 Pin Header on the V2

Hi there,

First off, the instructions on the install page worked perfectly for audio. Excellent work! I bought this a couple of months ago before the V3 was available.

I’m working on attaching an SPI screen to my streamer and I’m having issues on working out what the MOSI and MISO pins are connected to. I’m assuming that:


which is SPI0.

The diagram on the install page doesn’t exactly match up with what my boards silkscreen has printed on it. For instance, the page’s pinout says on the 25-pin connector that the left most two pins are SDA an SCL, while on the board it says GND and 3V3.

Link to Installation Page Diagram

I’m guessing at some point the GPIO mapping got changed on the boards. Would it be possible to post the updated mappings so I may use the remaining pins on with my screen correctly?



Were you able to use your Audio V3 without the need to install drivers? I’m just asking because I have no feedback yet, which is probably a good sign!

For the V2, indeed, a user at one point pointed out an error on the marking of the GPIO header. The correct one should be:


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What you wrote above is Correct .

I haven’t ordered a V3. I’m thinking about grabbing one in the near future though! Automatic overlay loading via EEPROM does sound like a nice feature that just might be worth getting it for.

Also thank you very much for the updated mapping. I got my screen wired up and running the demos correctly! Now I just need to work out the relevant Mopidy plugin (or write/modify my own) for it to work as intended as the visual output for a streamer.