ESP Muse wifi problems

Hi everyone,

I have two ESP Muse devices with the latest Squeezelite firmware loaded.

The first Muse device is an older type with a USB-micro connection and a plastic speaker front.
The second Muse device has a USB-C connection and a foam speaker front.

Device one works flawlessly and is heavily used every day. Device two has very bad WiFi, a weird on/off button, and only works when connected to a terminal.

What I have tried so far:

  • Reflashed the firmware
  • Flashed the Bluetooth firmware
  • Set up a separate 2.4GHz WiFi on channel 1 for this device only
  • Discharged the battery and then reflashed the firmware

However, the device remains unstable with almost non-working WiFi and turns on randomly.

Here is my log when connected to the terminal:

I (2717) config: configuration has some uncommitted entries
I (2717) config: Committing configuration to nvs. Locking config object.
I (2717) config: Done Committing configuration to nvs.
I (2717) config: Config committed!
I (2727) esp_app_main: Configuring services
I (2727) services: Configuring I2C sda:-1 scl:-1 port:1 speed:400000
W (2737) services: no I2C configured
I (2737) services: Configuring SPI mosi:-1 miso:-1 clk:-1 host:1 dc:-1
W (2747) services: no SPI configured
W (2757) led: LED GPIO -1 ignored
W (2757) led: LED GPIO -1 ignored
I (2757) led: Configuring LEDs green:-1 (on:0 rmt:-1 -1% ), red:-1 (on:0 rmt:-1 -1% )
I (2767) battery: Battery measure channel: 5, scale 7.000000, atten 3, cells 1, avg 4.48V
I (2777) monitor: Initializing monitoring
I (2787) monitor: Adding jack (low) detection GPIO 34
I (2787) buttons: Creating button using GPIO 34, type 0, pull-up/down 0, long press 0 shifter -1
I (2797) buttons: starting button tasks
I (2797) monitor: Heap internal:229283 (min:228723) external:4078223 (min:4078207) dma:221491 (min:220947)
I (2817) esp_app_main: Initializing display
I (2817) display: Trying to configure display with N/A
W (2827) display: No display driver
I (2827) muse: LED wth ws2812 using gpio 22 and channel 0
I (2837) muse: Initializing for Muse 4.478632
I (2837) esp_app_main: Initializing led_vu
I (2847) led_vu: led_vu configuration invalid
I (2847) esp_app_main: Checking for update url
W (2857) config: Value not found for key fwurl
W (2857) config: Value not found for key 
I (2867) buttons: Creating button using GPIO 32, type 0, pull-up/down 1, long press 1000 shifter -1
I (2877) buttons: Creating button using GPIO 19, type 0, pull-up/down 1, long press 1000 shifter -1
I (2887) buttons: Creating button using GPIO 12, type 0, pull-up/down 1, long press 1000 shifter -1
0;33mW (2907) config: Value not found for key apdelay
I (2907) uart: queue free spaces: 3
I (2907) network_handlers: Network manager configuration: polling max 10176, polling min 15000, ap delay 20000, dhcp timeout 8000, eth timeout 8000
I (2927) http_server: Initializing HTTP Server
I (2937) network_ethernet: Attempting to initialize Ethernet
I (2937) network_ethernet: No Ethernet configuration, or configuration invalid
I (2957) wifi:wifi driver task: 3ffdfcb4, prio:23, stack:6656, core=0
I (2957) wifi:wifi firmware version: 9ec65ef
I (2957) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0
I (2957) wifi:config NVS flash: enabled
I (2967) wifi:config nano formating: disabled
I (2967) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 40
I (2967) wifi:Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 40
I (2977) wifi:Init management short buffer num: 32
I (2977) wifi:Init static tx buffer num: 12
I (2987) wifi:Init tx cache buffer num: 32
I (2997) wifi:Init static rx buffer size: 1600
I (2997) wifi:Init static rx buffer num: 12
I (3007) wifi:Init dynamic rx buffer num: 40
I (3007) wifi_init: tcpip mbox: 32
I (3007) wifi_init: udp mbox: 32
I (3007) wifi_init: tcp mbox: 32
I (3017) wifi_init: tcp tx win: 8192
I (3017) wifi_init: tcp rx win: 32768
I (3027) wifi_init: tcp mss: 1440
I (3027) wifi_init: WiFi/LWIP prefer SPIRAM
I (3027) network_wifi: Starting wifi
I (3037) phy_init: phy_version 4670,719f9f6,Feb 18 2021,17:07:07
I (3137) wifi:mode : sta (a8:42:e3:28:51:c8)
I (3137) wifi:enable tsf

I (3137) network_handlers: Existing wifi config found. Attempting to connect.
I (3157) network: Starting DHCP client
I (3157) network_wifi: Wifi Connecting to test...
Type 'help' to get the list of commands.
Use UP/DOWN arrows to navigate through command history.
Press TAB when typing command name to auto-complete.

To automatically execute lines at startup:
	Set NVS variable autoexec (U8) = 1 to enable, 0 to disable automatic execution.
	Set NVS variable autoexec[1~9] (string)to a command that should be executed automatically

Your terminal application does not support escape sequences.
Line editing and history features are disabled.
On Windows, try using Putty instead.
W (3207) console: Processing autoexec commands while network manager active.  Wifi related commands will be ignored.
I (3217) console: autoexec is set to perform auto-process
I (3227) console: Running command autoexec1 = squeezelite -o I2S -b 500:2000 -d all=info -C 30 -W -n squeezelite-2851c8
W (3237) config: Value not found for key autoexec2
squeezelite-esp32> I (3237) squeezelite_cmd: Calling squeezelite
[00:00:01.828] sb_controls_init:249 initializing audio (buttons/rotary/ir) controls (raw:0)
[00:00:01.829] sb_displayer_init:327 no display or led visualizer for LMS
[00:00:01.840] stream_init:539 init stream
[00:00:01.841] output_init_embedded:78 init device: I2S
[00:00:01.853] output_init_common:433 supported rates: 192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 24000 22050 16000 12000 11025 8000 
[00:00:01.866] output_init_embedded:100 init I2S/SPDIF
I (3287) DAC core: DAC uses I2C port:0, sda:18, scl:23
I (3287) DAC external: DAC on I2C @16
[00:00:01.885] output_init_i2s:347 configuring MCLK on GPIO 0
I (3307) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=2048, dma_buf_count=12
I (3307) I2S: APLL: Req RATE: 44100, real rate: 44099.988, BITS: 16, CLKM: 1, BCK_M: 8, MCLK: 11289597.000, SCLK: 1411199.625000, diva: 1, divb: 0
[00:00:01.910] output_init_i2s:376 I2S DAC using I2S bck:5, ws:25, do:26, mute:-1:0 (res:0)
[00:00:01.912] output_init_i2s:396 Initializing I2S mode normal with rate: 44100, bits per sample: 16, buffer frames: 512, number of buffers: 12 
[00:00:01.923] equalizer_set_samplerate:121 equalizer sample rate 44100
[00:00:01.935] output_init_i2s:417 setting amplifier GPIO 21 (active:1)
[00:00:01.936] output_thread_i2s:518 Output state is -1
[00:00:01.936] output_visu_init:75 Initialize VISUEXPORT 512 16 bits samples
[00:00:01.947] output_thread_i2s:522 switching off amp GPIO 21
[00:00:01.948] output_init_embedded:108 init completed.
[00:00:01.960] decode_init:153 init decode
[00:00:01.970] register_alac:547 using alac to decode alc
[00:00:01.971] register_helixaac:686 using helix-aac to decode aac
[00:00:01.972] register_vorbis:526 using vorbis to decode ogg
[00:00:01.983] register_opus:458 using opus to decode ops
[00:00:01.984] register_flac:338 using flac to decode ogf,flc
[00:00:01.995] register_pcm:468 using pcm to decode wav,aif,pcm
[00:00:01.995] register_mad:417 using mad to decode mp3
W (3427) BT_AV: BT Sink pin code is: [1234] 
I (3427) BTDM_INIT: BT controller compile version [2c56073]
[00:00:02.008] register_external:469 Initializing AirPlay sink
[00:00:02.019] register_external:480 Initializing CSpot sink
[00:00:02.024] discover_server:844 sending discovery 25
[00:00:02.035] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
I (3807) BT_AV: Bluetooth Init complete
I (5087) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<1,0>, prof:1
I (5637) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (5997) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (6137) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
I (8257) wifi:state: run -> init (fc0)
I (8257) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<1,0>, prof:1
I (8257) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<1,0>, prof:1
I (8267) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
[00:00:07.034] discover_server:844 sending discovery 24
[00:00:07.035] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
I (9267) wifi:state: auth -> init (200)
I (9267) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<1,0>, prof:1
W (9267) network_wifi: WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED. From BSSID: 86:8a:20:49:f2:1e, reason code: 2 (WIFI_REASON_AUTH_EXPIRE)
I (9277) network_handlers: Wifi was disconnected from previous access point. Waiting to connect.
[00:00:12.034] discover_server:844 sending discovery 23
[00:00:12.035] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
I (18157) network_handlers: Timer: Wifi Polling timeout 
I (18157) network_wifi: Wifi Connecting to test...
[00:00:17.034] discover_server:844 sending discovery 22
[00:00:17.035] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
W (19847) network_wifi: WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED. From BSSID: 00:00:00:00:00:00, reason code: 201 (WIFI_REASON_NO_AP_FOUND)
W (19847) wifi:Haven't to connect to a suitable AP now!
I (19857) network_wifi: Configuring Access Point.
I (19857) network: Stopping DHCP server
I (19867) network: Starting DHCP server
I (19867) network_wifi: AP SSID: squeezelite-2851c8
I (19877) network_wifi: AP Password: squeezelite
I (19887) wifi:mode : sta (a8:42:e3:28:51:c8) + softAP (a8:42:e3:28:51:c9)
I (19887) wifi:Total power save buffer number: 6
I (19897) wifi:Init max length of beacon: 752/752
I (19897) wifi:Init max length of beacon: 752/752
I (20457) wifi:Total power save buffer number: 6
I (20457) wifi:Total power save buffer number: 6
I (20457) wifi:Set ps type: 1

I (20457) network_wifi: Initiating wifi network scan
I (20457) dns_server: DNS Server listening on 53/udp
[00:00:22.034] discover_server:844 sending discovery 21
[00:00:27.034] discover_server:844 sending discovery 20
[00:00:32.034] discover_server:844 sending discovery 19

Extended log:

Your terminal application does not support escape sequences.
Line editing and history features are disabled.
On Windows, try using Putty instead.
W (3197) console: Processing autoexec commands while network manager active.  Wifi related commands will be ignored.
I (3207) console: autoexec is set to perform auto-process
I (3217) console: Running command autoexec1 = squeezelite -o I2S -b 500:2000 -d all=info -C 30 -W -n squeezelite-2851c8
W (3227) config: Value not found for key autoexec2
squeezelite-esp32> I (3227) squeezelite_cmd: Calling squeezelite
[00:06:19.128] sb_controls_init:249 initializing audio (buttons/rotary/ir) controls (raw:0)
[00:06:19.129] sb_displayer_init:327 no display or led visualizer for LMS
[00:06:19.141] stream_init:539 init stream
[00:06:19.142] output_init_embedded:78 init device: I2S
[00:06:19.153] output_init_common:433 supported rates: 192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 24000 22050 16000 12000 11025 8000 
[00:06:19.156] output_init_embedded:100 init I2S/SPDIF
I (3277) DAC core: DAC uses I2C port:0, sda:18, scl:23
I (3277) DAC external: DAC on I2C @16
[00:06:19.185] output_init_i2s:347 configuring MCLK on GPIO 0
I (3297) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=2048, dma_buf_count=12
I (3297) I2S: APLL: Req RATE: 44100, real rate: 44099.988, BITS: 16, CLKM: 1, BCK_M: 8, MCLK: 11289597.000, SCLK: 1411199.625000, diva: 1, divb: 0
[00:06:19.211] output_init_i2s:376 I2S DAC using I2S bck:5, ws:25, do:26, mute:-1:0 (res:0)
[00:06:19.212] output_init_i2s:396 Initializing I2S mode normal with rate: 44100, bits per sample: 16, buffer frames: 512, number of buffers: 12 
[00:06:19.224] equalizer_set_samplerate:121 equalizer sample rate 44100
[00:06:19.235] output_init_i2s:417 setting amplifier GPIO 21 (active:1)
[00:06:19.236] output_thread_i2s:518 Output state is -1
[00:06:19.236] output_visu_init:75 Initialize VISUEXPORT 512 16 bits samples
[00:06:19.248] output_thread_i2s:522 switching off amp GPIO 21
[00:06:19.248] output_init_embedded:108 init completed.
[00:06:19.260] decode_init:153 init decode
[00:06:19.271] register_alac:547 using alac to decode alc
[00:06:19.272] register_helixaac:686 using helix-aac to decode aac
[00:06:19.272] register_vorbis:526 using vorbis to decode ogg
[00:06:19.283] register_opus:458 using opus to decode ops
[00:06:19.284] register_flac:338 using flac to decode ogf,flc
[00:06:19.295] register_pcm:468 using pcm to decode wav,aif,pcm
[00:06:19.296] register_mad:417 using mad to decode mp3
W (3417) BT_AV: BT Sink pin code is: [1234] 
I (3417) BTDM_INIT: BT controller compile version [2c56073]
[00:06:19.308] register_external:469 Initializing AirPlay sink
[00:06:19.320] register_external:480 Initializing CSpot sink
[00:06:19.324] discover_server:844 sending discovery 25
[00:06:19.336] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
I (3797) BT_AV: Bluetooth Init complete
I (5077) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<1,0>, prof:1
I (5627) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (5647) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (5717) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
I (7827) wifi:state: run -> init (fc0)
I (7827) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<1,0>, prof:1
W (7837) network_wifi: WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED. From BSSID: f2:38:83:36:79:d6, reason code: 15 (WIFI_REASON_4WAY_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT)
[00:06:24.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 24
[00:06:24.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:06:29.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 23
[00:06:29.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
I (18147) network_handlers: Timer: Wifi Polling timeout 
I (18147) network_wifi: Wifi Connecting to test...
[00:06:34.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 22
[00:06:34.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
I (19837) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<1,0>, prof:1
I (19837) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (19867) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (19927) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
I (22047) wifi:state: run -> init (fc0)
I (22047) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<1,0>, prof:1
W (22047) network_wifi: WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED. From BSSID: f2:38:83:36:79:d6, reason code: 15 (WIFI_REASON_4WAY_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT)
[00:06:39.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 21
[00:06:39.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:06:44.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 20
[00:06:44.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:06:49.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 19
[00:06:49.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:06:54.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 18
[00:06:54.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:06:59.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 17
[00:06:59.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:07:04.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 16
[00:07:04.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:07:09.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 15
[00:07:09.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:07:14.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 14
[00:07:14.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:07:19.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 13
[00:07:19.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:07:24.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 12
[00:07:24.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:07:29.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 11
[00:07:29.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:07:34.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 10
[00:07:34.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:07:39.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 9
[00:07:39.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:07:44.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 8
[00:07:44.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:07:49.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 7
[00:07:49.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:07:54.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 6
[00:07:54.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:07:59.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 5
[00:07:59.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:08:04.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 4
[00:08:04.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:08:09.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 3
[00:08:09.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:08:14.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 2
[00:08:14.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:08:19.334] discover_server:844 sending discovery 1
[00:08:19.335] discover_server:848 error sending discovery
[00:08:24.334] decode_close:233 close decode
[00:08:24.424] deregister_external:495 Stopping AirPlay sink
[00:08:24.425] deregister_external:502 Stopping CSpot sink
[00:08:24.425] stream_close:593 close stream
[00:08:24.444] output_close_embedded:112 close output
W (128637) messaging: cfg-audio-tmpl
squeezelite exited with error code 0

W (128637) messaging: cfg-audio-tmpl
squeezelite exited with error code 0

E (128647) messaging: cfg-audio-tmpl
Rebooting in 60 sec

E (128647) messaging: cfg-audio-tmpl
Rebooting in 60 sec

Hello this is a RMA, check your private message

25 days later and still no reply.
It is that I have one working device, but this is really bad in my experience.