Install Ultra++ drivers on Patchbox OS with kernel-RT

Hi There !

I’m getting errors when trying to compile and install the kernel module of the Ultra++ on my Patchbox OS. This is happening with a real-time kernel. I got no issues when tried with a generic kernel.

Here is a link to download Patchbox OS (based on Raspbian).

By default, on Patchbox, the kernel is generic. However, you can switch between generic and real-time with the patchbox os configuration tool in the “kernel” tab :

$ patchbox-config

In order to keep installed the real-time kernel, I had to edit the Ultra++ driver install script “” :

apt update
#apt-get -y install raspberrypi-kernel-headers raspberrypi-kernel
apt-get -y install raspberrypi-kernel-headers-rt raspberrypi-kernel-rt
apt-get -y install  dkms git i2c-tools libasound2-plugins

But without results. Here is what I got :

I also checked the make.log but there is so many warnings and errors that I don’t know where to start … I can send this log file to anyone wants to take a look at. Here is a short sample :

If you have any ideas, any help will be welcomed :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance,


Hello WoollyBird, I don’t know about Patchbox OS, but you can basically use this work around that will just send the init command to the codec at boot to work as a basic I2S dac:

-set an I2S device, if needed you can use the basic installation script of the mic+
-then follow the instructions to run the scrit at startup:

let me know

@Woollybird - I am working with Patchbox too. My installs have gone fine, can select the hat fine in raspi-config or patchbox command/menu. But no sound. I try speaker-test -t wav …but no sound.

I am working with a 32 bit Pi Zero 1.1W.

Tried both Audio+ V2 and MIC ULTRA+ - still no sound, the install commands / scripts work fine. I can choose the soundcard in alsamixer too.

Feels like things are just not in the right place for Patchbox. Did you get anything to work?