Good evening,
I have installed ESP Muse de Luxe and integrated it with Home Assistant last version.
I can read local MP3 or Web Radio on my Muse de luxe from HomeAssistant scripts.
I have 3 issues with that integration ; I will describe my 3 issues in separate issues.
- I am using duckdns for HASS internet access (=> https url for my HAss) + double authentification. ; I am not able to set a local adress to HA => Muse de luxe call the internet adress (duck dns) to read local mp3
- In the log console I see that the connection to my WIFI does not success the first time but after 2 or 3 attepmts
- If I activate regularely the Muse de Luxe, I have no blocking of Muse de Luxe. But after a nigth the muse de luxe is not awakable even if I switch it off and on. I need to connect using to reset it.
First issue description :
- I am using duckdns for the internet access to HA and double authentification using 2Fas Auth. My external adress is “” redirected to internal Raspberry pi 4 at 192.168.X.Y:8213.
- I am installing Muse luxe ESP32 HP integrated with Home assistant.
To read local mp3 media I can only do it through internet HA adress. - I have tried to change the local HA adress to https://192.168.X.Y:8213 or http://192.168.X.Y:8213 (parametres->Systeme->Reseau->URL local address) but HA gives me error message : “You have configured an HTTPS certificat in HASS. You have to define an local URL covered by that certificate”.
What Can I do ?
Is that the rigth place to log that issue ?