Mega Amp case or speaker suggestions?

I just got the mega amp and got it working with pi zero 2 - sound really surprised me with these cheap 2 inch gikfun speakers from amazon. I was curious if the case that it ships with is meant to be added to another case for pi 4, 5 or 0. If not I guess I will just have to model one! Thank you for your effort on your products - I have been using a muse proto with HA for about a year now and have no complaints. Since it is easier to DIY a voice assistant these days I decided to install Pi core player on the aforementioned pi zero 2w and convert the muse proto from a voice satellite to a squeezelite. I got it all working, but I need to get some speakers for that purpose - any suggestions?

Hi and thanks for your message.

The Mega Amp is a good product, but it has not found its audience yet, so your feedback is appreciated. The case is compatible with Pi Zero, Pi4, and Pi5. By adding a 40-pin header riser, I use it on top of the official Rpi5 casing.

For speakers to be used with a low power output like the proto, I recommend closed chamber speakers that have better efficiency, such as this type (though I have not tested this exact model).