Muse Lux: slimproto_run:653 No messages from server - connection dead

Hi all.

Today I tried so setup my new Muse Luxe.
Configuration worked fine, fw: I2S-4MFlash-1681, mode: Squeezelite-ESP32

  1. I do not seem to be able to set the player name for Squeezebox(?).
    In the web interface of the Muse Luxe in Page “Audio” und section “Usage Template” the second input field is named “Set the player name”. Whatever I enter, it is empty again after a reboot.

  2. The squeezebox player does not show up in the LMS Server (8.5.1 on Linux with several other hardware players). In the log of the Muse Luxe I see the repeating sequence:

[00:39:50.664] slimproto:1011 connected
[00:39:50.666] sendHELO:153 mac: d8:bc:38:e6:e8:8c
[00:39:50.666] sendHELO:155 cap: Model=squeezeesp32,AccuratePlayPoints=1,HasDigitalOut=1,HasPolarityInversion=1,Balance=1,Depth=16,Firmware=v1.0-1681-16,ModelName=SqueezeESP32,MaxSampleRate=192000,alc,aac,ogg,ops,ogf,flc,aif,pcm,mp3
[00:39:50.782] notify:228 notified server hport 9000 cport 9090
I (2392209) network_status: LMS IP:, hport: 9000, cport: 9090
[00:45:49.756] slimproto_run:653 No messages from server - connection dead

Instead of the last line, I sometimes get:

[00:40:10.429] slimproto_run:625 error reading from socket: closed


[00:46:36.278] slimproto_run:633 FATAL: slimproto packet too big: 18516 > 4096
E (2797699) messaging: [00:46:36.278] slimproto_run:633 FATAL: slimproto packet too big: 18516 > 4096

Muse Luxe and LMS server are in the the same network, there is no firewall between them; the LMS server is not protected by a password.
In the server log on the LMS I did not find anything. I can see with netstat, the both ports 9000 and 9090 are open.

What else can I check?

Best regards,

Hi have you installed form here ?

Yes, I did.

Should I just retry the installation process?


Please confirm that you have followed this tutorial first :slight_smile:

Yes, I followed that tutorial. (Except for the setup of the LMS server which already exists for several years.)

Concerning the configuration of the device, the tutorial was a bit imprecise.
Do I have to set the “Known Board Name” on page “Hardware” or should I avoid that.

I repeated the installation and changed only the IP-address and port of the LMS.
It looks like the Muse Luxe looses the WIFI connection. When I see that problem message in the log, I also cannot access the web interface of the Muse Luxe any more.

Here is the log from connecting the WIFI until the first problem connection the LMS.

I (5058) wifi:new:<9,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<9,0>, prof:1
I (5638) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (5658) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (5668) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
I (5718) wifi:connected with Alpakas zu vermieten, aid = 2, channel 9, BW20, bssid = 24:f5:a2:ae:c8:73
I (5718) wifi:security: WPA2-PSK, phy: bgn, rssi: -57
I (5728) wifi:pm start, type: 1

I (5808) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 1
[00:03:16.619] slimproto:989 unable to connect to server 1
I (9738) network: Got an IP address from interface Wifi. IP=, Gateway=, NetMask=, Address was changed
I (9738) esp_netif_handlers: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (9748) esp_app_main: Network connected and mDNS initialized with squeezelite-e6e88c
[00:03:18.075] raop_sink_start:178 starting Airplay for ip with servicename ESP32-AirPlay-e6e88c
[00:03:18.077] raop_create:201 starting mDNS with D8BC38E6E88C@ESP32-AirPlay-e6e88c
I (9788) cspot: starting Spotify on host squeezelite-e6e88c
I (9788) config: Setting changed flag config [cspot_config]
I (9788) config: Updating config [cspot_config]
[00:03:18.139] I Shim.cpp:344: CSpot instance service name squeezelite-e6e88c (id 142137fd329622137a1490160000002510705394)
[00:03:18.152] I Shim.cpp:331: ZeroConf mode (port 80)
I (10708) config: configuration has some uncommitted entries
I (10708) config: Committing configuration to nvs. Locking config object.
I (10728) nvs_utilities: Value stored under key 'cspot_config'
I (10738) config: Done Committing configuration to nvs.
[00:03:26.618] slimproto:989 unable to connect to server 2
[00:03:31.634] slimproto:1011 connected
[00:03:31.636] sendHELO:153 mac: d8:bc:38:e6:e8:8c
[00:03:31.637] sendHELO:155 cap: Model=squeezeesp32,AccuratePlayPoints=1,HasDigitalOut=1,HasPolarityInversion=1,Balance=1,Depth=16,Firmware=v1.0-1681-16,ModelName=SqueezeESP32,MaxSampleRate=192000,alc,aac,ogg,ops,ogf,flc,aif,pcm,mp3
[00:03:31.671] notify:228 notified server hport 9000 cport 9090
I (23358) network_status: LMS IP:, hport: 9000, cport: 9090
I (27968) httpd_handlers: serving /messages.json to peer port 62664
[00:03:41.773] slimproto_run:625 error reading from socket: closed

The WIFI is provided by a Mesh consisting of 3 Linksys Velop. I do not have WIFI problems with any other devices.

Best regards,

Sometimes the web UI is accessible even though the error messages occur:

[00:01:54.377] slimproto_run:625 error reading from socket: closed
[00:01:59.476] slimproto:989 unable to connect to server 0

But after a minute or so, the web interface does not work anymore. In the browser, I get a timeout.

Sorry for bothering. But I really would like to use the Muse Luxe as a LMS player.

Is there a command in the console to check the internet connection? (like “ip address” in linux)

have you tried to connect on the device ip and click "exit recovery " at the bottom?:

Ip of the luxe could be found it you open the serial logs in the web console, or connecting to your router and see the assigned IP.

Working loud and clear streaming internet radios at the office.

have you tried to connect on the device ip and click "exit recovery "

Yes, sure.

Do I have to set the “Known Board Name” on page “Hardware” or isn’t that relevant?

Something very general must be wrong. I just found that even Bluetooth does not work normally. I can connect from my phone. If I play some audio on the phone, everything looks normal on the phone, but I do not hear anything from the Muse Luxe.

I (72859) BT_AV: Configure audio player 21-15-2-35
I (72859) BT_AV: Audio player configured, sample rate=44100

[00:01:20.381] bt_sink_cmd_handler:155 BT sink started
[00:01:20.382] bt_sink_cmd_handler:167 BT play
[00:01:21.490] bt_sink_cmd_handler:162 BT sink stopped

W (90019) BT_AV: Not yet in BT connected mode: 0x2
[00:01:28.603] bt_sink_cmd_handler:155 BT sink started
[00:01:28.604] bt_sink_cmd_handler:167 BT play

[00:01:40.851] sink_data_handler:115 Waited too long, dropping frames 1
[00:01:41.401] sink_data_handler:115 Waited too long, dropping frames 4093
[00:01:41.951] sink_data_handler:115 Waited too long, dropping frames 4093
[00:01:42.501] sink_data_handler:115 Waited too long, dropping frames 4093
[00:01:43.051] sink_data_handler:115 Waited too long, dropping frames 4093

super strange the the BT is not working, not sure what could be the issue. Check your email for solution.

I just got a replacement for the not working Muse Luxe.

  • Charging now does work.
  • I installed Muse-16 via Squeezelite-ESP32 Installer .
  • I switched the wifi of my laptop to the Muse (“squeezelite-e6e698”) and opened the GUI in Chrome.
  • I selected my Wifi Network, entered the password and clicked “Join”.

Excerpt from the log:

I (508699) wifi:new:<7,0>, old:<7,0>, ap:<7,0>, sta:<7,0>, prof:1
I (508699) wifi:station: f0:a6:54:89:1c:ab join, AID=1, bg, 20
I (508759) esp_netif_lwip: DHCP server assigned IP to a station, IP is:
I (518709) httpd_handlers: serving / to peer port 52433
I (519199) httpd_handlers: serving /status.json to peer port 53713
I (519399) httpd_handlers: serving /config.json to peer port 54225
I (520699) network_wifi: Initiating wifi network scan
I (531809) network: Starting DHCP client
I (531809) network_wifi: Wifi Connecting to Alpakas zu vermieten...
I (534639) wifi:primary chan differ, old=7, new=4, start CSA timer
I (535039) wifi:switch to channel 4
I (535039) wifi:ap channel adjust o:7,0 n:4,0
I (535039) wifi:new:<4,1>, old:<7,0>, ap:<4,0>, sta:<7,0>, prof:1
I (535059) wifi:new:<4,1>, old:<4,1>, ap:<4,0>, sta:<4,1>, prof:1
I (535059) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (536059) wifi:state: auth -> init (200)
I (536059) wifi:new:<4,0>, old:<4,1>, ap:<4,0>, sta:<4,1>, prof:1
I (536059) wifi:primary chan differ, old=4, new=7, start CSA timer
I (536469) wifi:switch to channel 7
I (536469) wifi:ap channel adjust o:4,0 n:7,0
I (536469) wifi:new:<7,0>, old:<4,0>, ap:<7,0>, sta:<4,1>, prof:1
I (536479) wifi:new:<7,0>, old:<7,0>, ap:<7,0>, sta:<7,0>, prof:1
I (536479) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (537489) wifi:state: auth -> init (200)
I (537489) wifi:new:<7,0>, old:<7,0>, ap:<7,0>, sta:<7,0>, prof:1
W (537489) network_wifi: WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED. From BSSID: 24:f5:a2:ae:c9:1b, reason code: 2 (WIFI_REASON_AUTH_EXPIRE)
W (537499) wifi:Haven't to connect to a suitable AP now!

My Wifi is a mesh of (only) two Linksys Velop Model WHW01v1; current firmware . One of the APs is in the same room (4m apart). The GUI of the Muse sometimes seems to show the near (3 stars) and sometimes the other (one star) access point.

Before connecting from Windows 10 to the Wifi on the Muse, Windows shows a warning “This wifi network uses an old security standard …”.

I did not have this problem with the previous Muse Luxe. The Wifi has not changed since then.

Best regards,

Hi could it be related to this?

Try what the suggest to connect to the Muse access point an select recovery mode, then select your wifi

if not working please try to open an issue on the main repo

Success: The Muse Luxe is now working completely!! :grinning:

I connected to a different WIFI and then switched it back to my Mesh WIFI. Now it works flawlessly.

The problem not connecting to my Lyrion Music Server was that in Tab “Audio”, Section “Usage Templates”, Input Field “Server”, I had entered the IP address of the server together with the port “:9000”. After removing the port the Muse Luxe connected to the server.

As mentioned earlier, Bluetooth works fine, too.

Thanks for your patience.