Muse Luxe voice assistant now possible?

you should also see a text response + a audio file link with the spoken response, IF the pipeline setup is correct, keep an eye on the muse logs in esphome while testing.

if all looks good there but still no audio response then it’s your yaml that is incorrect. if you installed from github media players you should automatically get latest code if you update the device in esphome. i use custom code and do not link to official code (mostly because i like that if something changes i like to know), and the official code is changing a lot recently so i can’t really keep up with what works in that or not

all i can say is that both proto and luxe works, so if you can see the pipeline is ok and your muse was installed from github media players, then try just to update the device in esphome so it gets the latest code…

I’m still experimenting with this, but still stumped.

I can generate TTS via piper and send it to my Muse Luxe through the Home Assistant Developer Tools services page. It works great and the speech sounds like it should.

I can use the voice_assistant pipeline and it mostly works - the button works, I can speak and have it correctly interpreted, and Home Assistant executes my command. Great.

But there’s no voice feedback unless I use the speaker component. (However, the speaker component is much too loud!)

If I use media_player there is no sound. BUT Home Assistant sees the media player doing something for a few seconds.

Here’s a bit of my ESPHome log:

[18:33:40][D][sensor:094]: 'Luxe Battery': Sending state 4.27374 V with 3 decimals of accuracy
[18:33:42][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Luxe Action Button': Sending state ON
[18:33:42][D][voice_assistant:105]: Requesting start...
[18:33:42][D][voice_assistant:085]: Starting...
[18:33:42][D][voice_assistant:123]: Assist Pipeline running
[18:33:42][D][light:035]: 'Luxe Top LED' Setting:
[18:33:42][D][light:046]:   State: ON
[18:33:42][D][light:058]:   Red: 0%, Green: 0%, Blue: 100%
[18:33:45][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Luxe Action Button': Sending state OFF
[18:33:45][D][voice_assistant:113]: Signaling stop...
[18:33:46][D][voice_assistant:137]: Speech recognised as: " Turn off the office table lamp."
[18:33:46][D][voice_assistant:152]: Response: "Turned off light"
[18:33:46][D][light:035]: 'Luxe Top LED' Setting:
[18:33:46][D][light:058]:   Red: 0%, Green: 100%, Blue: 0%
[18:33:46][D][voice_assistant:167]: Response URL: ""
[18:33:46][D][media_player:059]: 'Luxe Media Player' - Setting
[18:33:46][D][media_player:066]:   Media URL:
[18:33:46][D][light:035]: 'Luxe Top LED' Setting:
[18:33:46][D][light:058]:   Red: 0%, Green: 100%, Blue: 0%
[18:33:46][D][light:108]:   Effect: 'Fast Pulse'
[18:33:46][D][voice_assistant:172]: Assist Pipeline ended
[18:33:50][D][light:035]: 'Luxe Top LED' Setting:
[18:33:50][D][light:046]:   State: OFF
[18:33:50][D][light:108]:   Effect: 'None'

And the corresponding section from the Home Assistant logbook:

Luxe Media Player changed to Idle
2:33:50 PM - 8 minutes ago

Luxe Media Player changed to Playing
2:33:46 PM - 8 minutes ago

Luxe Action Button turned off
2:33:45 PM - 8 minutes ago

Luxe Action Button turned on
2:33:42 PM - 8 minutes ago

This looks exactly like it should! There’s roughly four seconds where the media player is playing. But again, there’s no sound.

And if I use the services page in Home Assistant to generate some TTS again, it still works. So I don’t think it’s a muting/volume problem.

Here’s my current yaml:

  name: "raspiaudio-muse-luxe-1"
  friendly_name: "RaspiAudio Muse Luxe"

  name: "${name}"
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
    name: raspiaudio.muse-luxe
    version: "1.0cw"
  min_version: 2023.5.0
    priority: 800
      - output.turn_off: amp_power # OFF until WiFi comes online to avoid loud static burst
      - wait_until:
      - delay: 1s
      - output.turn_on: amp_power
      - delay: 1s
      - media_player.volume_set: 30%

  board: esp-wrover-kit
    type: arduino

    key: (REDACTED)
    - service: start_va
        - voice_assistant.start:
    - service: stop_va
        - voice_assistant.stop:


  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  power_save_mode: none



  - source: github://pr#3552 # DAC support
    components: [es8388]
    refresh: 0s


  sda: GPIO18
  scl: GPIO23

  - i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO25
    i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO5

  - platform: gpio
      number: 21
      mode: OUTPUT
    id: amp_power

  - id: wifi_connected
    type: bool
    initial_value: "false"
    restore_value: no
  - id: first_run
    type: bool
    initial_value: "true"
    restore_value: no

  - interval: 1s # slow pulse amber light until WiFi connected on startup
      - if:
            lambda: 'return id(first_run);'
            - light.turn_on:
                id: top_led
                effect: "Slow Pulse"
                red: 100%
                green: 60%
                blue: 0%
            - globals.set:
                id: first_run
                value: "false"
      - if:
              - lambda: 'return !id(wifi_connected);'
              - wifi.connected:
            - globals.set:
                id: wifi_connected
                value: "true"
            - light.turn_on:
                id: top_led
                effect: "Fast Pulse"
                red: 0%
                green: 100%
                blue: 0%
            - delay: 1.0s
            - light.turn_off: top_led

# speaker:
#   - platform: i2s_audio
#     id: luxe_speaker
#     dac_type: external
#     i2s_dout_pin: GPIO26
#     mode: stereo

  - platform: i2s_audio
    name: Luxe Media Player
    id: luxe_media
    dac_type: external
    i2s_dout_pin: GPIO26
    mode: stereo
      number: GPIO21
      inverted: true
    # on_play: # turn on the amp only when needed to prevent pops
    #   then:
    #     - output.turn_on: amp_power
    # on_idle:
    #   then:
    #     - output.turn_off: amp_power

  - platform: i2s_audio
    id: luxe_microphone
    i2s_din_pin: GPIO35
    adc_type: external
    pdm: false

  microphone: luxe_microphone
  # speaker: luxe_speaker

      - light.turn_on:
          id: top_led
          blue: 100%
          red: 0%
          green: 0%
          effect: none

      - light.turn_on:
          id: top_led
          blue: 0%
          red: 0%
          green: 100%
          effect: none

      - media_player.play_media:
          id: luxe_media
          media_url: !lambda 'return x;'
      - light.turn_on:
          id: top_led
          blue: 0%
          red: 0%
          green: 100%
          effect: "Fast Pulse"

      - delay: 1s
      - wait_until:
            # speaker.is_playing:
      - light.turn_off: top_led

      - light.turn_on:
          id: top_led
          blue: 0%
          red: 100%
          green: 0%
          effect: none
      - delay: 1s
      - light.turn_off: top_led

  - platform: adc
    pin: GPIO33
    name: Luxe Battery
    icon: "mdi:battery-outline"
    device_class: voltage
    state_class: measurement
    entity_category: diagnostic
    unit_of_measurement: V
    update_interval: 15s
    accuracy_decimals: 3
    attenuation: 11db
    raw: true
      - multiply: 0.00173913 # 2300 -> 4, for attenuation 11db, based on Olivier's code
      - exponential_moving_average:
          alpha: 0.2
          send_every: 2
      - delta: 0.002


  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO19
      inverted: true
        input: true
        pullup: true
    name: Luxe Volume Up
        - media_player.volume_up:

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO32
      inverted: true
        input: true
        pullup: true
    name: Luxe Volume Down
        - media_player.volume_down:

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO12
      inverted: true
        input: true
        output: false
        open_drain: false
        pullup: false
        pulldown: false
      drive_strength: 20.0
    name: Luxe Action Button
    disabled_by_default: false
    entity_category: diagnostic
    id: middle_button
    - then:
      - voice_assistant.start:
    - then:
      - voice_assistant.stop:

  - platform: neopixelbus
    id: top_led
    name: Luxe Top LED
    internal: True
    pin: GPIO22
    default_transition_length: 0s
    variant: SK6812
    num_leds: 1
    type: GRB
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
    gamma_correct: 2.8
    flash_transition_length: 0s
      - pulse:
          name: "Fast Pulse"
          transition_length: 0.1s
          update_interval: 0.2s
      - pulse:
          name: "Slow Pulse"
          transition_length: 0.5s
          update_interval: 1s

Ideas appreciated.

thats exactly where i am right now as well. i setup everything yesterday and most works.
only the audio response is not working. i didnt try the speaker component.

this worked for me on proto when i tried 2 days ago, it’s using the speaker component and talks back loud and clear, i did however have to change the button pin because my button on proto seems dead but it’s changed back to normal in this code.

not sure what the goal is, maybe to use mediaplayer but when i tried that did not work, then came the speaker component and that did!, using it on 4 devices now (Muse Proto, Muse Luxe, ESP32Rover and ESP32-D1 mini, all works just fine with the speaker component, i do hope the plan is to keep it and have to ways two output audio :slight_smile:

anyway i i have both Ryan (piper) and Google speaking together in some automations, like google saying how cold the cooler is when i stand in front it it, and ryan adding “yeah and outside in the sun it’s …” - great fun! (but i noticed Ryan (piper) speaks louder than google) :smile:

It would be nice to have a clear step-by-step guide how to get the several devices working including voice assistant. Here are to much discussions between developers for average users.

1 Like

Any idea why I might be getting timeouts?

  name: raspiaudio-muse-luxe-39ab54
  raspiaudio.muse-luxe: github://esphome/media-players/raspiaudio-muse-luxe.yaml@main
  name: ${name}
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
    key: <REDACTED>

  port: 80

#  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  ssid: <REDACTED>
  password: <REDACTED>
  domain: <REDACTED>
09:41:28	[D]	[voice_assistant:132]	
Requesting start...
09:41:28	[D]	[voice_assistant:111]	
09:41:28	[D]	[voice_assistant:154]	
Assist Pipeline running
09:41:28	[D]	[light:036]	
'RaspiAudio Muse Luxe' Setting:
09:41:28	[D]	[light:047]	
  State: ON
09:41:28	[D]	[light:059]	
  Red: 0%, Green: 0%, Blue: 100%
09:41:28	[D]	[light:085]	
  Transition length: 1.0s
09:41:31	[D]	[binary_sensor:036]	
'Action': Sending state OFF
09:41:31	[D]	[voice_assistant:144]	
Signaling stop...
09:41:40	[D]	[sensor:094]	
'Battery': Sending state 4.03644 V with 3 decimals of accuracy
09:42:00	[D]	[voice_assistant:218]	
Assist Pipeline ended
09:42:00	[E]	[voice_assistant:231]	
Error: pipeline-timeout - Pipeline timeout
09:42:00	[D]	[voice_assistant:144]	
Signaling stop...
09:42:00	[D]	[light:036]	
'RaspiAudio Muse Luxe' Setting:
09:42:00	[D]	[light:059]	
  Red: 100%, Green: 0%, Blue: 0%
09:42:00	[D]	[light:085]	
  Transition length: 1.0s
09:42:00	[D]	[light:085]	
  Transition length: 1.0s
09:42:01	[D]	[light:036]	
'RaspiAudio Muse Luxe' Setting:
09:42:01	[D]	[light:047]	
  State: OFF
09:42:01	[D]	[light:085]	
  Transition length: 1.0s
09:42:01	[D]	[light:036]	
'RaspiAudio Muse Luxe' Setting:
09:42:01	[D]	[light:085]	
  Transition length: 1.0s
09:42:10	[D]	[sensor:094]	

Home Assistant shows the following error:

Logger: homeassistant.components.esphome.voice_assistant
Source: components/esphome/
Integration: ESPHome (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9:27:45 AM (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:41:29 AM

Received unknown pipeline event type: stt-vad-start

Hey everyone, Year of the Voice part 4 is out and it works for me on the Muse Proto!


As again I could not get it to work with the config provides by Jesse on the esphome repo. It would work nicely, but the Speaker was dead again. So I modified the config with the wakeword back to use the mediaplayer… this works, but it needs framework arduino and that kills the idf vocie activity detection… so not a preferred solution…

Anyone has any ideas why this only works with the media player and not the speaker component ? I have not yet had more time to investigate…

Hi s00500

not sure what I did differently than you but the config that I was modifying yesterday uses the speaker component and appears to work (although I’m having trouble getting it to actually recognize the wake word). it’s for the Muse Luxe but maybe it will help you to debug what is going on in your setup

Hey @Zortan

Thanks for the comment, yes I was using the freshly modified config, but the one for the proto

But I figured out what the difference is: the mute pin needs to be properly implemented, I have opened a PR to change the config =D, check my changes here

This works really well now, I am using openWakeWord on my RPI4 homeassistant install

This is all finally doing what it should, what a dream =D

1 Like

This works for me now! I manually updated my YAML with your additions and now it talks back to me. :slight_smile: Initially I got a compile error after I added the PR changes, but once I did a clean build it compiled and installed fine.

I was having an issue where I was getting crackling on the speaker on device reboot. There is no restore mode for outputs so I added an on boot command to mute the speaker.

    - priority: 700
        - output.turn_on: mute_pin

I’m still having an issue where it listens for the wake word after a reflash, but when I physically restart the board (power cycle / reset button) then it does not.

I have the Muse Luxe and I’m so confused. What should I flash? Media Player or Voice Assistant? What about the yaml file? Is it necessary? Where do I put it. I have to agree with @gatonero, can someone explain how to do this step-by-step? Thanks!

I made some success and with the new ESPHome and Home assistant releases it’s working much better. When you flash it both Media Player and Voice Assistant will be enabled at the same time. Go to and start the installation from there.

What do you mean with “When you flash it both Media Player and Voice Assistant will be enabled at the same time”? I flashed Voice Assistant only in the Muse Luxe, how can I flash both? and btw, how do I flash Voice Assistant in that site? Is not available.

Have a look into the file raspiaudio-muse-luxe.yaml. There is an entry for voice_assistant: and media_player: also. Both functions will be installed with that yaml file at the same time. Here are some detailed instructions how to install it ESPHome config - Raspiaudio Muse Luxe as a voice assistant satellite in Home Assistant

I already tried to install that yaml. Tried again and always get this error:

INFO Resolving IP address of raspiaudio-muse-luxe.local
ERROR Error resolving IP address of raspiaudio-muse-luxe.local. Is it connected to WiFi?
ERROR (If this error persists, please set a static IP address:
ERROR Error resolving IP address: Error resolving address with mDNS: Did not respond. Maybe the device is offline., [Errno -5] No address associated with hostname

I saw the documentation but nothing works, I can never get past this.

Your device isn’t connected, neither by cable nor by WiFi. Have a look here how to connect it either by cable (preferred) or WiFi. Getting Started with ESPHome and Home Assistant

I’m using that. I successfully flashed the yaml file you posted in your last comment, adding this part to the wifi section:


and I get a success message in ESPHome inside HA.

But then I have this:

As you can see, the device is OFFLINE. If I click EDIT, I see the default configuration, not the yaml file you posted.

Btw, we dont’ need to specify the API key in the yaml?

EDIT: the only way to have the Muse Luxe show as ONLINE is to flash the MediaPlayer again using this page: Ready-Made Projects — ESPHome. And even so, this message shows all the time:

muse luxe

so I always have to reset the device pressing the inside of the AUX port.

EDIT: I managed to make Voice Assistant to work, not with the custom yaml but by flashing the simple Media Player in this site - Ready-Made Projects — ESPHome.

From what I see, I have to press the PLAY button when I talk and I never get audio back? Is this expected?

Also, I tried to play a simple MP3 file in my local files and when I click PLAY, I get a clicky sound and nothing plays. Is this also the expected behaviour?