Hi, I’ve tried and it works fine for me. Try updating in bootloader mode, by turning your Muse Proto off, then press the io0 button next to the speaker header and keep pressing it while at the the same time turning your Muse Proto back on
Same issue here. Powering on while pressing the io0 button and then updating via OTA didn’t work out for me. Received exactly the same error.
Issue seems to be caused by the latest update of Raspiaudio/ESPhome. Are they going to fix this? I have just a vanilla setup without any tinkering of pins etc.
Just for anyone who hasn’t been able to get this fixed yet,
I found that the original github esphome repository has been archived and everything moved to a new one.
The updated raspi proto package ( that also appears to include a fix for the pin issue ) is here:
by trial and error I believe the github URL to include in the packages config is:
@diego is shedule to make a tutorial for Proto on Feb 4th hope it will help@Diego is scheduled to make a tutorial for Proto on February 4th. Hopefully, it will be helpful. stay tunned