Muse Radio demo app fo internet radio update

Muse Radio: Demo Internet Radio Project

Welcome to the Muse Radio demo project, an internet radio designed for the Muse Radio product by RASPIAUDIO. This demonstration showcases various features including WiFi streaming, integrated screen and button controls, and more.


  • WiFi Streaming: Supports multiple stream formats such as MP3, AAC, and more.
  • User Interface: Seamlessly integrates a display screen and six-button control.
  • Remote Control: Operate using an IR remote.
  • OTA Updates: Over-the-air demo support.
  • Audio Codec: Utilizes the ES8388 codec, with support for both headphone jack and speaker, including codec volume control.
  • Battery Monitoring: Displays battery level status.

Source Code and Discussion

  • Source Code: Available on GitHub.
  • Discussion Forum: Join the conversation on our forum.

Installation Instructions

  1. Access the Application:

  2. Connect the Device:

    • Power on the Muse Radio and connect it to your computer via a USB data cable.
  3. Setup Muse Radio:

    • Select “Muse Radio - Radio” on the website.
    • Click “Connect” and choose the appropriate COM port.
  4. Set Up WiFi:

    • After the 2-minute download, configure your WiFi credentials directly in the browser (an offline option) or through the on-screen menu.
  5. Troubleshooting:

    • For any issues during installation or usage, please open an issue on GitHub.


Version 1.2:

  • Fixed AAC support and corrected slow pitch artifacts in MP3 playback.

Development Setup

Libraries & Tools Required

  • Copy the libraries directory to your local libraries folder.
  • ESP32 Arduino 2.0.13.
  • Install the LittleFS plugin in Arduino IDE.

Flashing and Uploading Data

  • Upload your data directory using LittleFS. If upload doesn’t start automatically, you may need to:

    • Press the hidden IO0 button with a paperclip inserted in the headphone jack.
  • To flash precompiled firmware, use the following command (adjust with your serial COM port and file name):

    esptool -p COM16 -b 1000000 write_flash 0 myfirmware.bin

Recompilation Parameters

  • Use specified Arduino parameters as shown in your IDE settings.

Arduino Setup