Pre-order of the Mn Cast! [obsolete available on Amazon]

@cOOLio, I do not think you need to worry. If you happen to be in München I have a white one with me here for Oktoberfest if you want to have a look😊

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All good … :sun_with_face: … received my delivery confirmation note yesterday (as you said). Will be delivered on Thursday. I’m just a little impatient, after all the waiting and stupid delays by Amazon. Because I finally want to have it in my own hands and to be able to test it in full detail. :wink:

BTW … small sneak peak:

A bit to far away from Mainhatten. Thanks for the offer, I prefer to have my own in hand. But drink a Maß beer for me … oans zwoa gsuffa :smiley: :partying_face: :pretzel: :beers:


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Received mine yesterday (France, near Avignon)

On the packaging, a label indicates that you could find information from raspiaudio/cast webpage. Seems to be an empty page currently.

BTW, wifi password is musemuse, not the usual squeezelite

My white MN Cast was surprisingly delivered today. According to the e-mail confirmation should actually come tomorrow. Small compensation from Amazon!?

By the way, I still have not unpacked it. But that’s coming soon, after writing this message. I’m really excited!

More to come on my new SquezzeESP32 blog! :wink:

The sort url is :
For now this just goes to this page the forum.

Adding the musemuse password in the FAQ.

Feel free to all let me know your comment here so I can make it better.

Can’t wait to see the Mn Cast tear down :grin:

What would you be your editorial line of your blog compared to the slimdevice forum?


Me too, me too! I can already say so much about it. When I finally opened the box I was immediately 2x positively surprised. And I can also already say, there is much light, but where so much light is there must also be dark sides. But the sunny side clearly outweighs. I can say already now.

I honestly have no idea what the editorial line of the Slimedevice forum is!? Is there one at all? I’m only aware that it’s run by Logitech. And what such a thing finally means, everyone can imagine himself, who only looks far enough beyond the edge of the plate. So I can’t really answer your question.
But maybe the ABOUT of my blog will answer your question?

Including some fixes/enhancements :wink:

Ohhhh now I understand, Amazon mixed white and black at the logistics center!!! Could you be kind enough and send me a picture of the barcode on the box? It will help me to solve this dispute with Amazon

Ok the picture is already on your review, thanks :pray:

White Mn (as ordered) just arrived in Ireland - a day early.

I also did not notice and made a new one to help you. But then read your comment. Good luck and keep your nerves strong.

cOOLio has noted some problems with shipped f/w in his blog and I think it should be noted here so that earlier post in this thread about Mn config can be updated.

Shipped firmware is from Nov 21 so is old and needs to be updated. I updated to last V1 firmware 32-1180. The OTA wouldn’t work (maybe weak wifi) so I use file upload. After update, some nvs setting were lost - not sure why, so I used config posted in an earlier post.

I had same problem as cOOLio with the rotary knob and I changed nvs entries according to his blog. This fixed volume issue.

I still have problems with Back (double press) not working - this maybe f/w version related - I’m checking.

With FW V1 32.1180 For the knob to work with Double press for back - the NVS config is
rotary_config A=32,B=19,SW=0,volume,knobonly

Thanks for your work with Squeezelite, noboody found an hardware bug yet? Anybody tried the more exotic feature such as the optical output or the infra-red receiver? I would like to be super sure of the hardware before lauching a full scale production.

Regarding Amazon Europe they have declared the Black units I’ve sent as lost :sob: and they will refund me the black units.
So I’m going to send a private message to all EU backers who ordered this model to ask them is they would like me to send them a white version instead or prefer to wait for the next production batch in 4 weeks, I will refund the few euros diffrence. I also think that Amazon mixed up the white and black models so it also could be that you will receive a random color. So this is a complete mess I don’t control.

For UK, UPS still looking for the parcel, they told me that they will give me a status tomorrow.

I’m afraid so, but I hope it’s only with this player and not a general problem. More in my detailed test and review.

Just started setting this up. What is the correct firmware for updates? I just updated to the latest I2S-4MFlash (2.1223-16) but now my display stopped working.

Maybe you ran in the same problem when I tried to update the old firmware the Mn Cast was shiped with.
As you can read on my SqueezeESP32 info blog. BTW did you make an backup of your NVS hardware configuration, via NVS Editor of the web interface of the player? If you didn’t made such a NVS backup, please let me know. Here or on my blog (comments can also be created on my blog Anonymously and without registration, but with moderation). I can then help with a working NVS hardware config file, If needed.

And here you will find my SqueezeESP32 Beginners Guide. There you will get all the informations on SqueezeESP32 FW and how to start with it.

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Thanks mate! I will read up on this. Lucky me I bought 2 devices and the second one I did not update. Now it works, at least with bluetooth.

I must admit I am totally a newb with Squeezelite and LMS. My thoughts were to use this device with Music Assistant directly and Raspiaudio with ESPHome. Am I going the wrong route here?

The audio quality from my first simple tests are quite good though. Happy so far! Now to get it into HA and do an upgrade the “right” way.

This is open hardware based on open software.
In this world, the classic right or wrong does not exist. If you think your choice is the right one for you, then so be it. But if it is the best choice you can make, you have to find out for yourself. I don’t know the two apps (Music Assistant & ESPHome) you mentioned at all. Neither for what they are good nor what their advantages are. I also don’t get what you mean by Raspiaudio? Cause that’s only the name of the company, we both by open hardware audio products from. I can only tell you that OTA updates with any ESP32 audio device and SqueezeESP32 only work with LMS and the SqueezeESP32 plugin. Therefore you need at least temporarily an LMS installation, which for example only starts on your computer when you want to do an OTA update. And while you are at LMS, you can have a maybe a closer look at what is possible with it, in terms of music and multiroom. Maybe you’ll realize like I did, wow that’s exactly what I’ve been always looking for. :wink: