When I try to install Roon Bridge plugin on my RPi running Volumio (3.569), I get the following error:
Installing necessary utilities
Installing Roon Bridge Dependencies
Platform armv6l is not supported!
Exit Status: 1
Plugin failed to install!
Cleaning up…
Roon Bridge has minimum requirement of armv7hf
Ah, it won’t work on a Pi Zero?
Any other recommendations for Pi OS and Roon?
You could install Squeezelite on it.
Otherwise pretty well any newer RPi - including, I think, Zero 2W
See RoonBridge on Raspberry Pi Zero - Raspberry Pi - Roon Labs Community
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Yep, Squeezelite works like a champ. Thanks!
I have a Hifiberry with a DAC Pro and 3B+ in another setup, but purchased the Raspiaudio +v2 for a Pi Zero W I had for this build.
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