Stupid Voice pong game on the Muse Radio

Totaly unrelated just for fun !

Voice Pong is a voice-controlled pong game where each player uses a microphone to control their paddle. By analyzing the sound input from the microphones, players can move their paddles up and down using their voices, adding an entertaining challenge to the classic gameplay.

How It Works

  • Microphone Input: Each player connects a microphone to the Radio
  • Sound Analysis: The game processes the audio input using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for each channel.
  • Paddle Movement: The sound frequency and intensity is translated into paddle movements, allowing players to control their paddles by varying their vocal tones.


  • Muse Radio: A powerful and versatile software-defined radio system. More information and purchasing options available here.
  • Microphones: One for each player, capable of capturing clear audio input.
  • Game Setup: A computer or system to run the game software and analyze the audio input.

Code is here : GitHub - RASPIAUDIO/Voice-Pong: Voice Pong for ESP32 muse Radio