Unable to get Muse Luxe to connect to serial port [solved]

Hi all. Trying to put the Muse Luxe Home Assistant on my speaker. I have connected it to computer but the computer does not recognize connection to any serial port. I have tried on both a windows machine and a linux machine. I confirmed it is on (switch on back and red light showing on top and it says ‘bluetooth’ when turned on.) I even bought a new cable to make 100% sure I was using a data-capable USB-C.

It is a new speaker, so I haven’t put anything else on it before, etc.

Any suggestions on how to get this thing to connect?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hi, first time I got this as the USB is provided by external CP2104 chipset it could not crash. In windows you see nothing moving in the device manager when you plug it? (try both position of your USB C cable, it’s symetrical) test your usb cable with your phone to computer before.

If not working PM me with your order number


Thanks @Raspiaudio. Your response pointed me in the right direction and I got it sorted. It is installing now.

For people that may run into this in the future:
In Windows Device Manager the speaker showed up under 'other devices ’ and an error saying ‘CP2104 USB to UART Bridge Controller’ was not installed.
I tried going to the Silicon Labs site to download the driver but that didn’t work.
What DID work was updating via Settings-Windows Updates-Advanced Options-Optional Updates-Driver Updates-Silicon Labs Driver.

Appreciate your help!