Which revision of the ESPMUSE Proto esp32 is on amazon.nl

Hi @Raspiaudio,

A half year ago or some time around that we talked about some ideas to include in a new revision of the proto board.

Now that in the marked to by 2 more of those boards (almost every room get’s one) i was wondering of the board on amazon.nl is the same as before or a newer revision.

Not sure what all the ideas where but one that i now like to have is disabling the charger led and the onboard speaker.

Thanks for your work,

Hello! everything in stock in all countries is the new version USB C

Hi @Raspiaudio,
I can’t find any stock in Europe and with my previous order I did not get enough proto boards. I’m looking to purchase at least 2 more boards to complete my multiroom audio setup with squeezelite and MASS.
Any chance I can get them at least before Easter?
Tried amazon com.be de fr nl it, berrybase…

Thanks for any info!

P.S. First time posting but the product, the forum and your detailed and helpful feedback convinced me to give in :upside_down_face:

Hi thanks for your message! Proto is out of stock everywhere but we are making a new batch that should be ready in 2 weeks, I will send you a message to let you know.

This batch will have a few improvement such as better WIFI signal and an I2C battery management system but still 100% compatible with the previous version.

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Awesome, really.
Would the wifi improvements also help to reconnect to wifi if signal was lost for one reason or another?

In my use case, I noticed that I can’t reboot my AP (following regular updates) without rebooting the proto board after that.
I’m thinking it is either a fix that I can have on the proto side, or a workaround scheduling a reboot (however possible) when an AP is getting an update.

Love to hear your thoughts!

the reconnect thing is probably something on the software side, the PCB upgrade might not solve this.

Proto boards is available on amazon so I ordered 2x and an MnCast too…figured I can try it out.