Audio+ Snapcast client

I’m using a Raspberry Zero W and the Audio+ hat. Everything works fine, but unfortunately the snapcast client seems not to work with it. It seems that it can not connect to the audio+ device.

I tried also using volumio (works well), but again the snapclient does not seem to recognize the device.
I used the following instructions:
AUDIO+ installation guide => works! => does not work.

The output from the snapclient service see below ( is the snapcast server).

Do you have any idea how to solve this?

Thanks in advance


● snapclient.service - Snapcast client
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/snapclient.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled
Active: active (running) since Sat 2020-10-10 21:00:49 CEST; 20s ago
Process: 817 ExecStart=/usr/bin/snapclient -d -s 1 $USER_OPTS $SNAPCLIENT_OPTS (code=exi
Main PID: 818 (snapclient)
CGroup: /system.slice/snapclient.service
└─818 /usr/bin/snapclient -d -s 1 --user snapclient:audio --host

Okt 10 21:00:49 snapclient1 systemd[1]: Starting Snapcast client…
Okt 10 21:00:49 snapclient1 snapclient[818]: daemon started
Okt 10 21:00:49 snapclient1 systemd[1]: Started Snapcast client.
Okt 10 21:00:49 snapclient1 snapclient[818]: Connected to

As a general rule all I2S cards like are using the same drivers, it means that all solution you will find online for other competirors brand will be also applicable to Raspiaudio.

So try to google for example : “hifiberry snapclient” or “hifiberry snapcast”
I found some interesting results.

Don’t hesitate to post your findings here.