The installation script have been updated to support 64bits OS and new RPI user policy as the default user ‘pi’ is not creatd by default.
Sorry for the delay.
Great product! Very high quality and sound. I used it to build a Minidexed Synthesizer.
One little note (this caused me some time and headache to find out):
Unlike the first version the Audio+ V2 needs 5V supply and converts it to 3.3V with its own voltage regulator on the PCB. If you use the Audio+ directly on the Raspberry Pi header, you will be fine and not even notice it.
But I used jumper wires in combination with a breadboard, and if you connect the Audio+ V2 to the 3.3V pin on the pi, it’s not powering up and not working.
Maybe this could be mentioned somewhere. Not a great deal though.
Good morning everyone,
I need some technical information: it would be possible to connect this module to a first generation raspberry (rasperrry pi 1 model B). I tried to follow the pinout but there are differences between the two versions. There is a solution?
In the meantime, thank you and I await news.
Pls help i have installed the raspiaudio audio+ . The installation went fine but i can’t select the sound hat and obviously cant hear nothing
I have installed the 64 bit version for raspian
Trying in raspberri p 4b
Cool thing is the 1B’s had was enough hardware to broadcast on FM. All that was needed was a piece of wire on/in one of the GPIO pins. Really cool someone figure out a converter.
For Pi 5 with Debian Lite 64-bit, the install script alone does not work.
Follow the “Alternative manual install…” section, and the sound test willl work.
For reference, this is the error before modifying /boot/firmware/config.txt:
$ speaker-test -l5 -c2 -t wav
speaker-test 1.2.8
Playback device is default
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 2 channels
WAV file(s)
# dtparam=audio=on
Playback open error: -524,Unknown error 524
# Additional overlays and parameters are documented