MIC+ installation guide

The way I intented to design it is for CUTL and CUTR to disable only the onboard speakers, and still leave the external speaker ON (green connectors)

Also please see below the location of CUTL and CUTR

Kind regards

After installing the MIC+ per instructions, i had two problems:

  1. The instructions say to go to desktop-preference-Audio Device settings, but there is no such entry in the menu. I’m running Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster), freshly installed.

  2. My wifi symbol has switched to the arrows for an Ethernet connection. I’m still connected to wifi, oddly enough, but I don’t understand why the symbol has changed.

Welcome Dennishvo!

1- First do you have sound coming out of the speaker when you run the test script? and on any app on the desktop?
Try a right click on the speaker on the desktop

2-Well nothing is changed on the network configuration, so it seem like a small bug of the new Raspbian



I have a raspberry pi 4 4g running
“Raspberry pi OS”
NAME=“Debian GNU/Linux”

When running
‘’‘sudo wget -O - mic.raspiaudio.com | sudo bash’’’

I am getting the following

‘’'2020-12-30 18:42:11 (1.21 MB/s) - written to stdout [12609/12609]

This hardware is not supported, sorry!
Config files have been left untouched ‘’’

Hi Jyo,

Could you tell me what is the exact distrubution you are trying to use?

Raspberry pi OS (Formally Raspbian) 64 bit (Buster) Version 5.4.79

So I quickly modified the script to disable the arm 64 test, but I did not have the chance to test it. If it does not work try to edit the script and remove all os_check.

sudo bash mic_no_oscheck

Hi at all, I’m new on this forum. I’ve bought two raspiaudio mic+ to my project about an intercom SIP based. Using the raspiaudio mic+ with raspbian lite and linphone daemon it works very well but in desktop enviroment I’ve so much problems with the microphone. The volume is too low and it’s unusable. I’ve build myself the linphone because i need the h264 and g729 codec that the repository version don’t have. I’ve tried to change the raspberry board, to switch the raspiaudio boards, installed raspbian stretch, buster and sid, tried to use others sip client to test, like jami or also the linphone present in the repository but nothing to do. In one case I’ve uninstalled the pulse audio from raspbian buster and using jami the microphone has worked. Please, someone can help to me?

Thank you very much

I just purchased a mic+ and am trouble getting it working. I installed Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster). After i run the first command and reboot I run
`sudo wget -O - test.raspiaudio.com | sudo bash’
and I see
------Please puch on the Yellow button to continue
amixer: Unable to find simple control ‘Micro’,0
amixer: Unable to find simple control ‘Master’,0

The yellow button lights up but after pressing it I dont hear anything. Speaker-test also produces no sound. I used alsamixer to set the volumes as you have but still dont see anything. Any thoughts on what I can do to get this working?

Hi Sport80,
One previous client did something similar maybe it could help you : https://www.instructables.com/Smart-Doorbell-for-HomeAssistant/
If you need more help on this please open a separate topic


Hi Texaspete,

You might have a hardware or software conflict. Be sure that you have no other shields plugged on the Pi.
Try a new SD card with a fresh install of Raspbian and do the install again.


I had no luck with a new SD card and fresh install. Are the

*amixer: Unable to find simple control ‘Micro’,0
messages a concern?

hi, thanks for your reply, but is not my case. I open a new topic. Thanks


I installed Android (LineageOS 17.1 - KonstaKANG (Android 10) on my RaspberryPi 4, is there a way I can enable the speaker and mic? I want to use it on MS Teams app.


Hi and welcome!

I can see that some version of Lineage claims support with

  • Audio DAC (using GPIO DACs e.g. Hifiberry DAC+)<

which is compatible with the MIC+

Share your results if you try!

Hey I’ve got installation issue, when i test, it doesnt work, i think i have a problem with the installation

Can you help me ?

also when i type alsamixer, that show me that

Hello Imperiator! A french compatriot :slightly_smiling_face:?
The install process went totally wrong, are you using the lattest version of Raspbian? I recommand to use a new SD card with a clean compy of Raspbian.
Or it could be that the MIC+ is not properly connected to the raspberry pi.

Hey ! yes i’m french
So, I reseted my raspberry pi os and tried to make it right …
The first command was succesfull but afer have rebooted, the second command doesn’t work,
image below:

I have “pulseaudio” idk why.
My MIC+ is correctly pluged.
Also some tests made noise but crakles that broke my ears :slight_smile:

Have you got a solution ?
Thanks :grin:

The sound i hear