MIC+ installation guide

Can i run the speaker test to complete the installation from an SSH Terminal? I am not using a desktop at all.

yes when you do : wget -O - test.raspiaudio.com | bash

just press the yellow button one time and the test will run :slight_smile:

it will good if the installation script can have a switch to avoid asking for reboot. this will help in automation scripts.

Hey, thank you for making this, however, I have two things that are not working. I am on raspiOs with a raspberrypi4b, and mic+ v2

When I installed the software using

wget -O - mic.raspiaudio.com | bash

it edited the the file in boot/configure.txt

however, we have to update it in


which I manually did to make it work. However, when I run alsamixer, and choose the card I get this

Also, my microphone is not working well.
Here is my setup

Hi here the updated guide !

Installing MIC+ Sound Card on Raspberry Pi OS

  1. Edit Config File:
  • Open a terminal window and type in:
    sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt
  • Comment out the existing audio line by adding a # in front of to have:
  • Add the overlay for the sound card:
  • Reboot Your System
  1. Playing Audio
  • After rebooting, check if your sound cards are recognized. You should see the speaker icon on the desktop.
    • Speaker icon on desktop
  • To test, open a terminal window and type in:
    speaker-test -l5 -c2 -t wav
    You should hear “left” and “right” from your speakers.
  1. Recording Audio:
  • Volume control is managed by PulseAudio in Raspberry Pi OS, serving as middleware between the hardware and software.
    Enable Pulse audio in the Raspi-config menu in Advanced - Audio Config
    sudo raspi-config

  • To record audio on the Pulse device , type:
    arecord -D pulse -f S16_LE -r 48000 -c 1 -d 10 test.wav.

  • Play Your Recording:

    • To play back the recording, use:
      aplay test.wav
  1. Adjusting Volume :
    You may notice that the recording volume is a bit low.
  • To list devices, type: pactl list short sources
    it should return :

    Where Device 0 is the output and device 1 is the microphone input.

  • To increase recording volume type:
    pactl set-source-volume 1 200%
    then try to record again (see previous step)

  • For playback volume, type:
    pactl set-sink-volume 0 100%

If you prefer a nice graphical interface install

  • To install a nice graphical interface for volume control, type:
    sudo apt-get install pavucontrol
    then type this to launch GUI :

Alsamixer is another way to control volume but it will just use the PulseAudio device to make volume change
* Alsamixer PulseAudio device

Hi, I’m on a fresh install of Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit legacy) on a Pi Zero W.
It looks like PulseAudio is no longer installed by default (I cannot find info about this online).

So install with the following commands. Afterwards you do need to reboot.

sudo apt install pulseaudio
sudo reboot -n

I did not need to set the audio controller in raspi-config.
Nor could I. The option is not there now, even after rebooting. I do not need PipeWire for anything so this is ok with me.

Hi, thanks for sharing this indeed the legacy version is not integrating PulseAudio, this the old method is still usable. Let me modify the guide to explain this.

Raspberry PI 5 with Ubuntu 23.10 (from the official Raspberry PI Imager tool)

I can’t get this to make go. The folders referenced in the instructions to copy don’t exist. What am I missing? Do I need to use a different Ubuntu image?

Hello please try this for Ubuntu; let me know how it goes:


Still not working on Ubuntu 23.10…

-Have you tried to only plug the MIC+ with no other shields?
-Could you also try

Hello, is it possible to bridge the two speaker outputs to drive a mono speaker? Thanks.

Further, is it the case that there is no headphone interrupt on the stereo output? I see above that it does not mute the onboard speakers but wanted to be sure about the amp out.


There is no jack detect to cut the amp. This is something that I could had on next version but I’m afraid that as soon as will do the mod people will ask the opposite :slight_smile:

It is not recommended to connect both L and R output un parallel to the same speaker as it will change impendence

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Thanks for the clarifications!