Muse Luxe voice assistant now possible?

working well with both Wakeword/VA and Media Player, but to get media player to work, I have to toggle off the wake word.

any suggestions? I’ve loaded most recent code.

ESPHome doesn’t support both playback and listening on the same I2S bus simultaneously. You have to turn off wake word listening to use the media_player.

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I set use_wake_word: false but any media is only played when pressing the action button.

I don’t believe ESPhome doesn’t support both playback and listening on the same I2S bus simultaneously. Why does ESPHome work with M5Stack Atom Echo?

I solved my issue. I sold the Muse Luxe. At the moment it causes more problems than solutions. Crackling sound, not be able to use it as playback and listening… Maybe one day will work correctly but at the moment is not.

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:laughing: may i ask what your beliefs are based on? Mine are based on some Discord messages from the founder of ESPHome, but I’m willing to change my mind if your arguments are stronger.

I don’t understand the question: doesn’t it work the same way with the Luxe? What can you do on an M5Stack Atom Echo and you can’t do on a Luxe?

Hi there,
for anyone who does not want to read forums the whole week or does not want to rip apart the espHome template and putting it back together hoping there is some bug you can fix that has not come up yet, because the muse luxe speaker does not at all respond to your wake word, maybe this post helps you out.

Its ‘OK nabu’ not ‘Hey nabu’.

Thanks to all the developers on that project. Local voice assistance is awesome!

Hello, we’ve developed a new component for Muse Luxe, incorporating optimized codec values to enhance microphone voice command detection. In a straightforward benchmark, I achieved a 100% recognition rate (3 out of 3) using the Whisper Small model at a 3-meter distance, compared to a 33% rate (1 out of 3) with the previous component.

To test this new component, please replace the existing component lines with the ones below:

  - source: github://RASPIAUDIO/esphomeLuxe@main
    components: [es8388]
    refresh: 0s

I recommend @tetele’s YAML here, and I thank him for testing the early version and using his YAML.

I’ve updated my config to include your new component. Thanks for this!

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By the way, do you plan to release a new Hardware, a kind of combo between the Muse deluxe with a ESP32 S3 Box 3 ? To enjoy all new features of the MWW, VA provided by recent ESPhome framework ?

short answer: YES
It’s a new product we are working on for the pas 6 months and it is almost ready, stay tuned it’s going to be a great and beautiful product :smiley:

haha I was sure about it … I stay tuned… Any approximative release date ?

in max 1 month for beta tester


New product alert : here it is


Can you please give more details abou this new product?

Is this a network media player, to play a webradio stations? Is this configurable by a web page?
Thank you

replied here:


where do these lines go in the Tetele’s YAML file ? I added them to the “microphone” section and got an error back for each and all lines stating the statements were invalid for [microphone.i2s_audio]

EDIT – figured it out. I added the lines to the voiceassist: section, directly under the microphone: line

When the ESP Home code is compiled I see a lot of compiler warnings about FastLED
I use the Muse as a speaker to send TTS announcements using Piper

I’m using
ESPHome 2024.5.0
The yaml I’m using is the following. Is there an updated version of this?

  name: raspiaudio-muse-luxe-bbnnnn
  friendly_name: RaspiAudio Muse Luxe
  raspiaudio.muse-luxe: github://esphome/firmware/media-player/raspiaudio-muse-luxe.yaml@main
  name: ${name}
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
    key: REDACTED

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  power_save_mode: none
  output_power: 20dB
  fast_connect: false

  level: DEBUG

When does it start shipping?

Should be in a month for the next batch.
I have a few units in beta test now, I will wait to have their feedback to launch a new batch just in case we’ve missed something, in parallel we will work in creating a tutorial for Home Assistant and Squeezelite.

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