Muse Radio Home Assistant

DAC is suported (we wrote the componenet) but I think the bitrate in HA is not as high.

How can I do that? Not on your Apps Page I guess, so I have to Install esphome locally and download the .bin and .yaml from your Repo? Or is there an easier way to just change some values in the .yaml?

Hello to all

I have 2 questions about this new version of the muse radio home assistant firmware

Regarding the battery indicated as an entity available on the Home Assistant.
This feature is already available in the last firmware version?

Regarding the pre-configured online radio stations on the buttons 1,2 & 3 how can I change this radio stations?

Thank you

After this update installed, my muse radio doesnā€™t start and no info on the screen or any action button working or light is visibleā€¦ Can some one please confirm me if this is normal? Or is a bug?


Thank you

Hi MiAutomations!

The latest ESPHome 2025.2.0 release brings significant improvements that will enhance all MUSE products. However, it has also deprecated support for certain previously functional components.

We are planning to update our YAML configurations next week. Our goal is to align more closely with ESPHomeā€™s maintained S3 box configuration, ensuring seamless future updates while enhancing the user experience.

Stay tuned for more details!


Ok thank you for the information, I will wait.

Regarding this is there any way to change the radio stations ?


for now you need to edit the yaml and change urls

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Ok, but how can I edit this yaml file? Itā€™s is possible to add these device to the ESPhome Builder in order to edit the YAML file?

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chack this :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you

I have tested with the YAML file YAML
But Iā€™m facing a lot of errors with a compilation of the BIN fileā€¦

itā€™s because the yaml is not compilable on the lattest HA version due to changes mentionned before.

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Btw, the display screen is not tactile ? Canā€™t wait the new yaml file to enjoy full power of this excellent device

Hi no the screen is not tactile


Any news about the new YAML file?

Thank you

almost there, tomorrow

Itā€™s ready !
on the Muse radio - Home assistant

after loading the bin it will take a couple minute for the wifi AP ssid: ā€œRaspiaudio-radioā€ password: ā€œ12345678ā€ appears, connect to it (Iā€™m using my phone) then open a browser to to setup your wifi.

It does not look much but this was a major change in the yaml
Yaml is here : GitHub - RASPIAUDIO/muse-radio-voice-satellite: An ESPHome config for the Raspiaudio Muse Radio which makes it a Home Assistant voice satellite

Please give your feedback :slight_smile:

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I guess some substitutions are not (yet) defined : st1_name, st2_name and st3_name ?