Muse Radio Squeezelite

Squeezelite-ESP32 Customised for MUSE Radio

This project is a fork of the Squeezelite-ESP32 project, customised for the MUSE Radio device by Raspiaudio.

All credit goes to the original authors, with a special thanks to Philippe 44 :pray: for his support in making this adaptation possible.


  • AirPlay Support
  • Spotify Connect
  • Logitech Media Server Integration
  • Screen Support
  • Infrared Remote Control

Flashing Your Device

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Visit
  3. Select Muse Radio - Squeezelite Install.
  4. Search for the Squeezelite WiFi SSID.
  5. Use password: squeezelite and set your WiFi credentials.
    Old video for the Luxe but applicable for the Radio

Setting up the Screen

To configure the screen in Logitech Media Server (LMS), use the following images as a guide:

To install LMS, visit: LMS Server Repository

Source Code

To compile for the ESP32-S3, follow the instructions in the fork’s repository.

Forum & Support

For discussions and support, visit the Raspiaudio Forum.

Product Page

For more details on the Muse Radio, visit the Raspiaudio Product Page.

Hi ,
I managed to install the image from the apps.raspiaudio, but I don’t find the way to have a working screen. It just keep displaying the IP address.
Is there any detailed tutorial who referes to the new Lyrion setup menu?

Also, are both the two knobs functional with this image?
(And the buttons also or not?)

Thanks in advance

Have set the wifi connecting to the created hotspot?
Have you installed the lms on you computer and find the radio device?

Yes & Yes
Muse radio shows as my second player on my LMS server and works well.
But the screen shows only the IP and the knobs are not working.

in the lms add the ESP32 plugin

then configure as this :

Thank you, it works now !
For noobs like me : keep in mind that the screenshots are from the classic skin of LMS not the material one.
Also the plugin name is “SqueezeESP32”.

With the provided settings the knobs are working too but there is a delay that make difficult to me to guess the exact function of each one.
Is it possible someone to describe what is the proper function of the knobs in the squeezelite image ?

Tweaking and exploration are part of the adventure. Unlike commercial devices that offer only a single application, we help make some open-source projects compatible, but the solution is provided ‘as is’

I hope that you understand.

So true!
You have absolute right !

Hi, I just received the radio (great product by the way) and managed to install the squeezelite image. I wanted to check out how the knobs and buttons are mapped to the specific LMS function (as stated in the original repo GitHub - sle118/squeezelite-esp32: ESP32 Music streaming based on Squeezelite, with support for multi-room sync, AirPlay, Bluetooth, Hardware buttons, display and more) but unfortunately I cannot activate the NVS Editior in the Admin Web UI of the radio. When I check the option “Show NVS Editor” in the credit page it will be unchecked right away. Is this on purpose or a bug? Thanks in advance

I have to check as when you recompiling there is an option to enable the modification in the NVS maybe I unchecked it.

For future to be able to follow version of Squeezelite I will kindly try to ask to their team if they could had the Radio in the compilation script as they did for the Luxe.

Perfekt . Thanks a lot. Without the NVS Editor it will be difficult to tweak the Radio to Specific needs.

Hello there!
As stated above, the radio is a great quality product! Loving the finish and the look! I am impressed! Thanks for the hard work!

A bit related to this but I am trying to install squeezelite but the Radio is not being detected by my computers (Mac, windows and Linux with esp32 drivers installed) when using RASPIAUDIO Open Source App Store
Is it a similar process as the Muse or Do I need to enable some kind of mode on the device to proceed?

Also, I tried to setup my SSID password using the knob and the screen, is it possible you are missing the “!” character there?

Please try to rotate the USB C cable on the radio side (USB c cables are symmetrical)
I have noticed that this tiny bug that can be easily overcome by this cable rotation.

If you are in a rush here is the fork of the project with all the configuration, otherwise I will try to cook a new bin to enable the edit in the NVS but after new year.

Thanks for you encouragement! Please mention that you like it on other forums I have a lot left in stock :grin:

For the missing ‘!’ can you please open a bug report in the git (issues section) we will do all corrections at once.


I had a similar problem with the usb cable that was send with the radio. Using another usb c cable solved the problem for me and the radio was detected in the browser…perhaps the cable is only capable charging the radio not for data transfers.

When using the chrome browser on Mac OS the nvs show toggle is working but not with safari und brave browser, I think it has something to do with setting the value in the cookies. So your build of squeezelite is fine, no need to cook a new bin.

Hi, since today the proud owner of a Muse Radio (in addition to two Lux models, pre Dec-23) - thumbs up on the design. “This is a nice design, I expected something not so polished” was the response from the main stakeholder…

Now as for the firmware, still in doubt between ESPHome and SqueezeESP32 - I installed squeezelite to experiment, got the screen to work and it interacts nicely with my LMS server. There are however two things which are a bit unclear:

1 the screen turns off after a few seconds whilst this is welcome when powered by battery I don’t expect this when its powered externally. Also, I can’t get it back on unless the volume is rotated (or the device rebooted). Any clues how to change this?

2 menu interaction both rotary buttons now control the volume; for the top one clockwise is volume up, counter volume down, for the bottom one its exactly opposite. I can see some interaction on the menu (similar names as on my legacy Squeezebox Radio) but it is not possible to select anything or progress. Did I overlook anything?

Lastly - perhaps good to mention in the letter which was added that the cable is power only, for data connection (as mentioned in earlier posts by others) I had to use another cable.

Will put my esphome considerations / questions in the other thread :slight_smile:

One more small question on the rotaries and the screen - the rotations are not very smooth past a certain point, what’s the best way to open them up?

As for the screen; is it possible to crop the image a bit? Text are now at or past the edges.

maybe not new for others but I discovered today that my old squeezebox touch (unfortunately died… DAC was amazing) remote control works on the Muse Radio with squeeze installed. Could not get the supplied remote to work but this is amazing!