ULTRA++ installation guide


I bought an ULTRA ++, I am a beginner, could you help me to perform the installation step by step?


Yes I will post a new installation sketch tomorrow, stay tuned

Ps: please change your username, it is probably a mistake but “raspiaudio1” could be confusing for other users thinking that you are part of the Raspiaudio team :sweat_smile:

this is what appears to me when I run the test!

Sorry but I can’t change my display name, it just made me change the logo! :sweat_smile:

Could you change the USERNAME? :blush:

So here is the procedure to install the workaround on the new Bulleyes 32bit and 64 bits.
On one hand with this you will access only basic features like playing on speakers and record, but on the other hand this is simpler to install and more portable to any version of Raspberry OS.

So this script will not install the real drivers for the WM8960 but will directly send the I2C commands to start the codec.

type in a command window :
git clone https://github.com/RASPIAUDIO/ULTRA.git
bash install.sh

When you are ask to reboot.

Select the right audi device :

then type to test :
speaker-test -l5 -c2 -t wav

Thanks for your invaluable help!
For my project I need to use only the onboard speakers and microphones, will this be possible with this solution?

When doing above procedure, one speaker is much louder than other, but when I connect headphones, both have the same value. Is my Ultra++ device faulty?

BTW, i2c initialization code came at perfect moment - yesterday I started working on adding support of WM8960 to circle library:

And now it seems to be working (-:

Yes we have noticed too, this is not faulty hardware. We are working on it.

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We have updated the Git to fix the left channel volume issue

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Could you please answer the question?
With the “speaker-test -l5 -c2 -t wav” test the speakers work!
How can I also test the on-board microphones?
Do you have an on-board microphone / speaker test scrypt?
For my project this is very important, thank you.

Please don’t abandon me, thank you.

I’ve changed your username to SGI, and to record you can use all available linux commands, in the “method1” script by default onboard microphones are enabled.

you can use arecord command, see examples typyin “man arecord” or here : https://linux.die.net/man/1/arecord

Thanks, already using new values and they work better (-: Can you add licensing info to that repo? I’d like to use i2c init sequence for baremetal pi drivers.

just added a license

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all fresh instances nothig extra installed.

please try the method 1 in the first message of this thread, and if you have any error message please send them here.

I also tried Volumio and no luck followed your instructions.

Method 2 updated today with a new installation script form Seed studio. Working great. So we now have method 1 and 2 fully functional, thank for your patience.