Volumio MicUltra + right settings [work around found]


I cant get any sound, tried different settings.

Should I install drivers manually?

Sound works on simple rasberian lite or desktop driver install but nothing on Volumio

Raspberry 4
Mic ultra+
Onboard +0 external speakers via screw terminals.

Hi Mumsix and welcome!

Have you simply tried for an unmodified version of Volumio in the user interface in the playback options now you can select wm8960-soundcard as output device?



Didn’t see such option…

If you mean “raspiaudio” it is in list but no sound internet radio or spotify. Also not working on RPI Zero W i

let me check, I will check Volumio in the next days

To be precise it is ULTRA ++ card and it is not working

I have the same problem!
Any news yet?

Ok working on it guys, I have checked and indeed there are no existing card that are compatible on volumio, looking at a manual way to add it now.

stay in touch

Hi we are still working on that one, it’s harder than expected but still have hope

Waiting waiting … would be nice if it says there is support for volumio that it actuaļy works

Hi Busmix,
We have tried many different ways for more than 10 hours without any result :weary:
I will publish here what we have tried so maybe someone have an idea.

I am part of the Raspiaudio team.

I have been trying to use Volumio with an Ultra + for several weeks, without sucess.
I will try to share what I have done for the moment hoping that someone will have an idea.

I believe that the problem for installing the driver and associated files is related to the installation of a dynamic kernel module (wm8960-soundcard-1.0). And more precisely because the headers linked to Volumio are missing…

So here’s what I did:

0- of course I loaded Volumio on an SD (16Gb)

1- I modified the size of the partitions on the SD (it is essential for part 3)
with “gparted” (ubuntu)
To get something like this:

boot => 500Mb
volumio => 8000Mb
volumio_data => 6500Mb

2- I started Volumio on my P4 (no problem)

3- Using ssh (ssh volumio@volumio.local)
I ran the command: “sudo volumio kernelsource” to load the Volumio kernel sources (4.19.118-v7l +) including the famous headers

It was long enough but everything seemed to have gone well.
The “/lib/modules” and “/usr/src” directories seem to contain what they should contain …

4- Again with ssh
I prepared the installation of the driver:
“git clone –recursive https://github.com/waveshare/WM8960-Audio-HAT
Everything Ok…

then I launched the installation itself
“cd WM8960-Audio-HAT”
“sudo ./install.sh”

==> From there nothing is going well
Compilation errors appear in the build of the “wm8960-soundcard-1.0” module
And the installation ends with errors.
And the Ultra+ is not recognized…

(5- It would remain to add a line in the dacs.json file… if the previous operations worked …)

Anybody have an idea?

I tried also to install rasberry carnel, then Wm8960 driver but after install it is still not recognized. No problems in Rasbian OS, but as stated that this is fully compatable with Volumio is missleading. Still waiting for fix

you are right
We are are trying a new approach with ULTRA+ and Volumio, the idea is to just send in a batch file at the boot the I2C init sequence for the CODEC. Should work.

Waiting for easy step by step instructions that all users could use.

I’m also looking forward for a simple and working solution!

We found a workaround! Soon sharing how we did it

Here is the step by step procedure:

UPDATED LINK 21/04/22 :

let us know here if you have any troubles


Will try when will put up Volumio system again, I hope other users with same issue can confirm this working.

Thanks for fixing

Good news.
I’ve installed the workaround and it is working… :smile:

Great thanks for the fix :+1: